Chapter 15: Trap

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Chapter 15: Trap           

"JD, I swear," muttered Sariah, "that if you do that one more time, I'll tell Logan. And you should know by now that that's not a good thing."

JD looked down from the chandelier, grinning. He dropped another water balloon with a plop!

"Your fault for putting me up here!" teased JD.

"Excuse me for asking you to grab that book Kurt stole and left up here," frowned Sariah.

The bad thing about her brother's powers was he could use them to get attention. Kurt had been begging Sariah to help him with his homework, and finally, he had become so annoyed, he had stolen Sariah's book and transported to the chandelier where he left it.

JD, meanwhile, had revealed himself to be a sort of prankster. When Sariah had levitated JD to the top of the chandelier, he had somehow managed to keep a secret supply of water balloons hidden- and he kept dropping them everywhere.

It was unfortunate that the Professor was away on business and had left Logan, Jean, and Scott in charge. He was the one who seemed to be able to keep JD out of trouble- perhaps it was because he could read JD's mind and find out exactly what he was scheming.

Logan was so scary to the others that Scott and Jean didn't really have to do much. The students always listened to him and they didn't want to cross the line and anger Logan.

JD was still fairly new to the school- and he wasn't having a very hard time fitting in. He was a prankster and he loved to play pranks and tell jokes.

But he never knew when he was crossing the line. He had gone too far one day when he had dropped a balloon full of a sticky substance on Logan's head. Logan's reaction was immediate- and he had scared JD so badly that JD had barricaded himself in his and Kurt's room, refusing to leave until Logan swore not to slice him up with his claws.

But yet, he still seemed to have not learned his limits. And his behavior at the moment was confirming just that.

"Ah, I ain't afraid of him," grinned JD. "He can't reach me up here!"

"Oh, he could manage. He can do that thing where he runs and kicks off the wall, like a ninja or something. He could get to you."

"Still not scared," grinned JD.

Sariah was nearly tempted to tell him that in a house full of people with powers, nothing was impossible. But she decided against it.

Sariah knew that JD had adopted the prankster image to fit in with his housemates, who all had powers but him. She knew he felt like he did not belong or fit in. And she did not have to read his mind to know that.

Sariah had been the new kid in school, in town, and in several families. She had never tried to adopt a new image to fit in but she knew what it was like to not fit in- it had happened so often. She knew it all too well.

Coming to the mansion, in fact, had been a huge change. She actually fit in and belonged. And she was surrounded by things she had never known- people who CARED. People who LISTENED. It was still so unfamiliar even though she had been at the mansion for nearly a year.

JD grinned down at me from the chandelier. "Don't make me force you down," hissed Sariah. "I'm capable!"

"Remember the promise Sariah!" shouted JD.

"I'll break that promise if I have to!"

The promise in question was that Sariah would not use her powers on JD- he still needed to get used to it. He had made an exception because Sariah needed help, but he had still objected and had been very hesitant to oblige. It was rather unfortunate that Sariah could not levitate herself very high, but she could levitate people pretty good, depending on weight (JD was perfect- he didn't weigh too much).

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