Chapter 7: Telepathy and Shopping

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Chapter 7: Telepathy and Shopping

As Sariah lay on her bed, she felt feelings that were not her own; grief, sorrow, and regret. But why was she feeling this things? And why was it that every time she closed her eyes she saw brief glimpses of a woman who looked so much like her mother? It was all so overwhelming to Sariah. She was SO confused.

"Hey," said Jean, entering the room. "Ready to train?"

Sariah sat up rather eagerly. It was the perfect thing to distract her.

"Yes!" she cried.

This time they entered the Danger Room to practice there. They were soon joined by Logan, who was to train Sariah in combat.

It took Sariah very little effort to duck, roll, kick, and block. The exercises were just as she had expected, with her pushing herself to the limits until her body felt like it was on fire. But this was in a good way. She felt like she had never felt before; exhilarated and refreshed. This practice was easy.

Fighting against Logan, though, was a different story.

Logan had specifically instructed that no powers be used. As they began and Logan rounded on Sariah, she found herself blocking Logan with a force field as he lunged at her.

"No powers!" said Logan as he stood up.

"Sorry, it was on instinct!"                               

Fighting Logan was no walk in the park. Logan was swift, fast, and had a sharp, quick kick that always knocked Sariah off her feet. But she was always up, ready to get at him. A few times she managed to round on him, and duck and roll as he was about to lunge for her, but that was about as much luck as she had. However, she did manage to run at him and kick his shins.

"Not bad," Logan growled.

Sariah grinned. Logan was caught off guard. This was the perfect opportunity for delivering a kick.

Just as Sariah was sure she could get a swift kick to Logan's back did she suddenly see a flash of a crying woman, holding a picture frame to her chest.

"Why did I leave her?" she was crying.

Sariah knew that woman. She had seen her. And the picture.... it had a baby in it. It was HER. It was Sariah as a baby. Sariah knew it. And the woman was her mother.... crying. It was her mother's emotions she was feeling, it was her mother's mind she was glimpsing into.....

Sariah was brought back to the Danger Room when she felt herself stumbling back in surprise. Logan had tried to push her, and he had, and Sariah had stumbled back.

"What happened to ya, kid? You looked lost," growled Logan.

"I- I don't know," stammered Sariah. "My mother, the picture.... it was me, she.... she's mad at herself!"

"Sariah calm down," said Jean. "What happened? Are you OK?"

"I don't know," whispered Sariah. "I was just about to kick Logan, and then I saw a woman. She- she was crying, and she was holding a picture. "Why did I leave her?" she was saying. And the picture.... it had a baby. It was me. And the woman was my mother. She.... she regrets leaving me."

"How can you tell all of this?" asked Logan. "Are you sure it wasn't a dream?"

"It couldn't have been," said Jean. "She never fell asleep. She just got this weird look in her eyes, and she stood still. She wasn't sleeping at all. She was ACTUALLY seeing things."

"Am I a telepath?"

"Maybe. You might also have a connection with your mother. You know, the kind where you can see what she sees?"

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