Chapter 9: Questions and Answers

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Chapter 9: Questions and Answers

So..... Here it is! The big reveal!!!!!!!!!!!! Chapter isn't as long as I'd like..... I tried but oh well!

"I suppose you know who I am," said the woman quietly.

Sariah looked the woman, her MOTHER, up and down before casting her gaze asdie. Anyway but near her "mother".

"Mystique," Sariah finally replied, not bothering to look the woman in the eyes.

"And your mother," said Mystique, nodding.

"I wouldn't call you my mother," said Sariah bitterly, "seeing as you never even bothered to look for me until 14 years later."

"You were better off without me." Mystique lowered her eyes in shame.

"Yeah, I was," said Sariah coldly. She was surprised at herself for being so rude. Sure, Mystique had not bothered to look, but what about the letter?

"I left you for your own good. People fear me for who I am. Do you think they would not fear and hate you because of who your mother is? I left you at that church and when I came back you were gone. They said you had been adopted. I realized you were better off with them; better off without me. I would have looked, but I couldn't screw things up for you."

"You wanted me back?"

"I was going to leave you at the church so I could find somewhere safe for us to live, and then I was going to come back with a fake birth certificate and everything so they would give you back. I never thought they'd put you up for adoption. I thought you would be too young to be adopted. But then I learned you had been given up for adoption because supposedly you were old enough."

"And you never asked to get me back?"

"I wanted you to live a normal life. I wanted you to have a happy life and not be endangered and feared and hated just because of who your real mother is. Because of who I am! I wanted you to be happy. I did it because I love you."

"Why didn't you just disguise yourself? So you could look like everyone else? Then you could've kept me."

"I didn't disguise myself because I shouldn't have to."

"But it was dangerous to keep me for more than one reason, wasn't it?"

"Yes. I thought I had no choice. You were in danger. He- Magneto- he couldn't find out. I didn't want him to harm you. He's done too many bad things. I couldn't let him do them to you. I loved you too much. Living with another family would be better; it would make your life easier than if you were to stay with me."

"Well, the people who have taken me in haven't made my life easy. And you haven't either!"

"Your adoptive parents are not good to you?" Mystique looked like she'd been betrayed.

"Don't you see? I never was adopted! You don't see what your decisions have done to me!"

The desire to spill her guts to Mystique was powerful inside of Sariah. She wanted to tell Mystique how her desicion had made her miserable and as good as ruined her life. But her life wasn't ruined. She had the X-Men and the Institute. And besides, Sariah realized it was only fair to hear her mother out.

"What do you mean?" asked Mystique.

"I was in and out of homes so often I barely knew my foster parents' names! I was alone and scared to make friends. I nearly forgot how! And I never had anyone to love. I have never shed a tear for someone before. I hurt one of my foster parents! I got hurt too! I've been hurt enough to last me a lifetime!"

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