I'm on my way

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Summary: The father of your unborn child, Mick Mars has finally the last concert of the tour and is eager to come home. You spend most of your time at his parents' house but when you are driving home an unexpected thing happens.

Being a wife to a rock star was never easy. Constant tours and albums and hardly any free time during them. But you exactly knew what you will face when you and Mick married. You have known each other since the Theatre of Pain tour when the Crüe went into a bar you actually worked in and you all meet there.

After dating for months you left your workplace and followed the boys on the tour. Then you got pregnant. In your 5th month Mick sent you home and didn't let you continuing the shows with them. He asked his parents to take care of you when he was not at home. Now you had a pretty big belly and was nearly in your 8th month.

"Eat more, honey, you look skinny." Tina, Mick's mother was really nice and helpful, and was your mother instead of the real one. She cooked for you and gave you several pieces of advice about raising a child. She told you many interesting and funny stories about little Mick and about her sister, Susie, she even showed you pictures.

"No, thank you. I have already eaten instead of two and I don't want to eat up your food." You leant back on the chair and rubbed your stomach with your hands sighing. Your little warrior was quite a wild one, he constantly let you know that he is such eager to come like his father did.

"Yo, Mick are you ready?" Vince yelled after knocking on the door. The guitarist was sitting in the changing room and waited for the concert to start. However he still had to call you before the show since he promised it. He went as quickly as his back let him to a phone booth and dialed his parents' home number. After a couple of minutes you picked it up.

"Hello, (Y/N)!"

"Hi Mick!" You mumbled in the phone since food coma hit you.

"Are you okay?" He asked worryingly immediately after he heard your voice.

"Of course. I'm okay. We are okay." You smiled and looked down on your belly. You felt your son kick and giggled. "Yes, it's daddy. It's your Dad speaking." You murmured.

"How is my little warrior?" He was smiling from ear-to-ear just hearing your voice, though he would be happier if he could see you. Finally it was the last concert of the tour and he was eager to arrive home sweet home to meet his beloved and his son.

"He is quite active lately. I'm pretty sure he will be a boxer or something. Or..." You were grinning from the thought.

"Or what?"

"A musician! Whenever I'm listening to music this little guy starts to dance like Michael Jackson." Mick sighed thinking maybe it's not the best idea for his son to follow his father's steps. One musician is more than enough in one family.

"We will see. Anyway Vince and the boys are sending hellos and big hugs for you. They say we will celebrate the birth of our son like no else has done before. I'm kinda scared if you ask me." He rubbed the back of head while playing several scenarios in his head how bad the party could be.

"Don't worry, I won't let them do any harmful things and I'm sure they will be the best uncles. They will love this boy to the moon and back."

"I hope so. Now I have to go but tomorrow we are heading back so we will soon see each other. I love you (Y/N)."

"We love you, too." You hung up the phone and headed to the couch to rest a bit before going back to your home to prepare everything for Mick's arrival.  As you sat down you looked out of the window and saw that it was already darkening.

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