Chapter 10 - Olivia

Start from the beginning

"You read my mind," I nod.

"Awesome. This was all part of my plan, by the way. I snagged the smartest girl in class and I may or may not make you do all the work."

"Funny. I'm nowhere near that easy, McCarthy."

"I know," He grins that charming smile of his, revealing his dimples. I smile in return and face the front again.

Professor Warren walks in and class starts a couple of minutes later. My shoulders drop and I sink into my seat, relaxed now. It doesn't look like Lucas is going to show up. I know I can't avoid him forever but at least I can prolong it a little longer. I don't think I have it in me to take another one of his tricks, at least for a while. This is what I get for opening my mouth and provoking him. I should've let him ignore me like he was initially doing.

The first half of the class is a lecture on what the major project will be on and how we'll be marked. It seems fairly easy but there are a lot of steps that will definitely take the whole semester to get together.

We have to choose a constellation and locate it using a star map, including going to the outskirts of the city so we can actually see our constellation of choice with the naked eye. Then we have to locate which galaxy it's in and if there's any surrounding planets within a certain radius. We have to make our own sky map that includes visuals of the stars, galaxy, and planets that surround our chosen constellation. Then we have to write a twenty-page report analyzing our sky map and the significance our observed portion of the galaxy holds, presenting it to the class at the end of the semester through some kind of visual. The class groans at the amount of work we have before us but I'm excited. I used to make sky maps with Dad all the time so I already have a general idea of where to start.

"You chose a good partner," I turn around and tell Beck with a grin. "We have this in the bag."

"Hell yeah," He holds his fist out and I bump it, the two of sharing a quiet laugh. Then his eyes flick over my shoulder and he makes a face, something like a grimace. "Oh shit."

I turn around too and my stomach drops to the floor at the sight of Lucas making his way to Professor Warren's desk. Just fantastic. All I want to do is sink lower in my seat but I sit straight and with my chin jutted out, refusing to cower for that asshole.

I watch curiously along with the rest of the class as he says something to Professor Warren and holds out a hand. Professor Warren blinks in what's obviously surprise and shakes Lucas's hand, smiling. Lucas leans forward and says somethin in his ear and that smile on Professor Warren's face slips. He tries to say something back but then winces, and I don't miss how Lucas squeezes his hand tighter. Professor Warren looks around the classroom nervously and I could've sworn his eyes landed on me briefly. Eventually he nods and Lucas pulls back, wearing a satisfied smirk as he heads for his seat at the top of the lecture hall.

"What was that?" Beck mutters behind me.

"I don't want to know," I admit, watching Professor Warren in hopes that he'll say something. He does, clearing his throat and tugging on his tie to pull it loose.

"Okay, let's get back to business." He claps his hands but the expression on his face is still crestfallen. "Now that I've explained the project, it's time to pair up. I will take a moment to select your partners."

"What?" I mutter and the class outbreaks into similar questions. There's a buzz among all of us and we're clearly confused. Professor Warren tries to shush us.

"That's not fair," A girl calls out. "The addendum said we get to choose our partners. We already know who we're working with."

The rest of the class nods in agreement and Professor Warren fiddles with his glasses nervously.

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