"I lied!" She laughs evilly.

"Relax Megan." Says Michael while laughing.

"Okay Josh. Alright come on let's go! I got like 35 minutes left!"

"That's plenty of time." Says Micheal.

They go around buying more things they need and finally drop Jessica off.

"Bye guys!" Screams Jessica while running back to work.

"See you at home sweety." Says Tina.

"You want some coffee before I drop you off?" Asks Micheal.

"No it's fine. I want to try this new coffee we just bought for the coffee machine at home."

"You mean that old piece of junk that I bought you for your birthday years ago? That one you never bothered to use?" Asks Micheal.

"Yeah... Well i'll let you know if it works."

Micheal stops the car and turns it around.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting you a new coffee machine."

"Nonono! Were fine. We don't need it!" Says Mary without hesitation.

"You sure?" Asks Michael.

"Yeah yeah! I'm sure."

"Okay then." He turns back and drives her home.

"I guess i'll see you when I see you." Says Micheal.

"You should come by this week for dinner. We would love to have you."

"Were on quarantine mom. It's better if we all just stay home until this is all done." Micheal looks away.

"Okay..." She looks at him avoiding eye contact. "I had fun today."

"Me too."

"Bye then." She closes the door and walks towards her house. Micheal watches as she unlocks her door and enters.

He looks down and feels nauseous. He takes a deep breath and starts driving back home.

Micheal picks up his phone and looks at who is calling.

Incoming call: Mary

"What now?" Micheal answers the phone. "Hello?" 

"Hey MICHAEL... I was just calling to tell you that it worked."

As she starts talking Micheal passes by that old pizza restaurant and sees the girl sitting around the same area, all alone.

"Still there..."

She turns and sees him staring at her as they share eye contact again.

"Hello? You there? Hellooooo?"

"Yeah! Yeah, sorry... I dropped my phone."

"Aren't you using speaker?"

"Later mooooom!"

"Fine fine! Bye."

"She's been there for around three hours. I wonder what she's doing..."

He drives home and jumps back in his bed.


As soon as his eyes start to close his phone rings.

"No shit..." He gets up and grabs his phone.

Incoming call: Melih(Business Partner)

"Hey Melih."

"Hey Michyyyyyy! How's your mother? Did she ask about me?"

"That's very funny." Says Michael while laughing. "Now what do you want?"

"I'm a staff short and I was just thinking about your mother and then you just came to my mind."

"Remind me why I opened a restaurant with you again?" Asks Micheal while laughing.

"Ask your mamma! Oooooooooh! Okay okay... That was too easy. I promise no more easy ones. So you coming?!"

"Coming to punch you... Yes."

"I don't see you here yet!"

"Yallah shut up! I'm coming."

"Thanks man! I owe you!"

"Yeah yeah... I'll add it to the tab." Says Michael.

"What tab?!" Asks Melih.


"Allo! What tab?!"

Micheal hangs up the phone and covers his face with the blanket again.

"So much for sleep." He gets up and gets dressed for work.

"I wonder... If she remembers me?" Micheal opens and closes the door going to work.

To be continued...

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