"Okay!" She said as Kunichika and Izumi set up the training room.

Izumi had taught her the bare basics of the bullet triggers but didn't actually fight her. She was a bit disappointed but when he did allow her to train with other agents. However, she did notice how hesitant Izumi was. She made her way down the halls. Regretting that she didn't ask Izumi where exactly she needed to go.

She didn't particularly mind wandering off on her own. Though it seemed to always get her outside or on the roof somehow. She let her mind drift again. Why did she lie to Izumi? She should've told him what was really on her mind. Then what would they do to Kiki and the others? That annoying voice came back. She needed to protect her and the others but what about everyone in Border. What if Kiki went too far again? What if she killed someone again? Then what will you do? Kamiko let out a breath. She really didn't want to think about it right now.

"Hey runt!" Kageura called out. "What are you doing on your own?"

She turned towards him and noticed that he was with Yuzuru, Ko, and Yuma. She smiled and walked over to them. "Hi guys! Haven't seen you in awhile! Besides you, Yuma!"

"You roaming off on your own again?" Ko asked as she gave Yuzuru a hug.

"Yeah, Kazama gave me an official trigger so I wanted to train a bit." She said as she gave Ko a hug, who leaned down and returned the hug.

"Well that explains why you have the Kazama unit uniform," Yuzuru said. "So did you join his team? Or is it for the invasion?"

She shrugged as she stretched. "Izumi said that Kazama convinced his bosses to give this to me. I don't really know why but I'm not complaining!"

"So extra protection, huh? Didn't think that midget would be the one to worry." Kageura said as he motioned for her to follow him.

"Where are you guys going?" She asked as she walked between Yuzuru and Yuma.

"We were going to hang out in the Kageura Operation room and do some private training practice. If you want you can join us," Yuma said.

"Is that okay with you guys?" She asked. "I don't want to disturb you if you're busy."

"It's no problem! Besides you might bring a lot of unwanted attention if you go to the training booths." Ko said with a chuckle. "Especially because of the uniform and emblem."

Kamiko looked down at her trion body. It was the same navy blue shirt and black pants as Kazama's. She didn't really think that was a bad thing. "It's just a trion body. I don't see why that will make me stand out."

"It's because who you are aligned with. Kazama Unit is one of the best teams in Border. A lot of people will probably assume that the rumors about you and Kazama are true." Ko added.

"What rumors?" Her curiosity peaked as they made it to the room. Yuzuru went over to the computer and started typing away. She guessed that Yuma and Kageura were going to fight first.

"I'm surprised you haven't heard. There's a rumor that you're Kazama's daughter," he said as he sat on the couch. "A lot of people are talking about it. Some are even theorizing about who his partner was."

Kamiko felt so confused about everything. That must've been the trouble Kuki was talking about before she had first arrived. She never noticed anyone ever saying something like that. Kazama never said anything to her either. Seeing how stupid you are it's no surprise. The voice chided but she bit her cheek in annoyance as she spoke, "No one ever told me anything."

"Probably didn't want to make it complicated for you." Ko said as he watched Yuma and Kageura fight. "From what I know, apparently whatever happened on that mission has been giving Kazama a lot of stress-"

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now