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To say she was scared was an understatement. Kamiko felt her body constantly changing temperatures. Had she really done the right thing? Everyone could be in danger because of her stupid ideas. She continued messing with the hem of her shirt. Barely aware that Izumi was trying to get her attention. It wasn't until she felt a finger poke her head that she finally noticed. "You okay Kamiko?" He asked. She nodded but cracked under the worried look the blonde was giving her.

"I...I'm scared." She said.

"About the invasion?" He asked as he readjusted in her seat.

"Y-Yeah. W-What if more agents get hurt? What if I was wrong about them going after the ship?" her thoughts just seemed to spill out of her. Izumi was one of the few people that she trusted the most and sometimes it was just easier to talk to him. "Do you think I did the right thing, Izu?"

"Well, yeah." He said as he started messing with her hair. "Like Tachikawa and the others said, if you didn't speak up we might've been in a lot more trouble. I can't imagine how scared you must've been."

"Kazama said that he might have a job for me during the invasion but...I don't know." Her thoughts started to drift back to when she had told everyone. They were happy to hear what she had to say and Kiki did seem to be okay with helping out.

"Hey Kamiko, come here for a sec." Izumi said as he walked towards the back of their Operation room. She slid off the couch and raced after him. She noticed that he had leaned down to her height and gently grabbed her hand. " Kazama managed to convince our bosses to let you have this. He asked us to give it to you." He said as he placed what felt like a light case in her hand.

"Is...Is this a trigger?"

He nodded and smiled. "Yeah, this is an official Border trigger. If you want I can help set it up for you."

She barely heard him with how excited she was but she did nod. Kazama got this for her. She smiled as she chased after the blonde. She wondered if he was curious or straight up afraid of how she would do in a fight during the invasion. "Ms.Kunichika will probably be back soon but let's see what your big brother can do. What kind of weapon do you want to use?"

"How many are there?"

"A lot. Maybe I should be more specific. Do you want to be an Attacker, Gunner, Sniper, or Shooter?" He asked as he lifted her onto his lap.

"What do you and Kazama use?" She asked as she handed him the case.

"Well, I'm a Shooter but Kazama is an Attacker."

"I wanna be a Shooter and an Attacker! Is there any way I can do that?"

"Sure thing. I think making Scorpion your main trigger will help you out. I'll give you the basic bullet triggers and teach you a few things, yeah?" She nodded as she watched him messing the small pieces. She laughed as he looked like he was struggling. "Hey, don't laugh! I've never done this before."

Kamiko giggled as she watched Izumi struggle for quite a bit before the door opened. Kunichika smiled as she made her way towards them. "Hey Izumi, what are you doing?"

"Hey Yuu! Trying to set up Kamiko's new trigger. Where have you been?" He asked.

"I went to the store and bought some more snacks. Do you need my help?"

Izumi chuckled, "Yes please." He lifted Kamiko up and let Kunichika take over.

"What kind of bullet triggers did you give me?" Kamiko asked curiously. They had all looked like the same yellow buttons to her.

"Asteroid, Hound, and Meteor are the ones that I think will be easier for you to learn. For your main triggers, you have Scorpion, Shield, Hound, and Asteroid. Your sub-triggers are Scorpion, Asteroid, Hound and Meteor." He said as Kunichika handed it back to her. "Come on, let's do a bit of training. I'll show you how to do the basics."

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now