Clouded minds become clear

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A/N: I apologize for this chapter being so damn late. I think I was just writing too much to often so i'm probably going to take a small break so my writing doesn't turn to shit. I hope you enjoy and thanks for the 2.7K reads. I might do a contest if this book hits either 3K or 4K reads I don't know yet.


Kazama's P.O.V

He groaned as he sat up. Kako was still there simply playing on her phone. "Time?"


He groaned again. Exhaustion had completely taken over him. Maybe it was a mistake to take a nap. He sighed.

"I made some coffee if that'll help." She said smiling.

He nodded and walked over to the coffee machine. Pouring himself a cup he heard Kako call for him and he simply hummed in acknowledgement.

"I'm concerned about something."

"What about?"

"What if those Neighbor friends of hers want her to go with them? What will you do then?"

He was quiet as he drank his coffee. "Why do you say that?"

"Just thinking."

Kazama was quiet. He had thought about it. "We will keep Kamiko until the mission is done. Then they will take her if they want to."

"Has Kamiko said anything about missing them?"

"You seemed to be very interested in her." He was starting to wonder about Kako's thoughts. Whenever she was interested in someone else's life, he swore it was like being chased by a bloodhound. He looked over to meet her damned smirk. "You have something else bothering you huh?"

"I wouldn't say it was bothering me," she chuckled.

He turned towards her. Leaning against the cabinet, he took another sip. "It's just that," she started but hesitated. A harsh set of knocks madae Kazama answer the door. He was quite surprised to see Tachikawa, Jin, Osamu, and Izumi. He let them in but his eyes were glued to Izumi. The poor boy looked extremely ill. "Izumi, are you okay?"

"We actually came here because of him," Tachikawa said.

"What happened?" He asked.

Before Tachikawa could speak Izumi spoke up. His voice was small and extremely apologetic. "I'm so sorry Kazama. I-I cracked...and..."

"Slow down and breathe," he instructed the teen. He had a feelling what Izumi was about to tell him. "It's about what we discussed over the phone, isn't?" He kept his tone neutral despite his exhaustion; he knew they were here for answers.

"I told the Miwa unit. They saw it. They questioned me...and it's been my head non-stop-"

"Maybe you should rest for a bit." His captain said. "We'll talk to him about it."

Mikami had come from wherever she was and led him to the back. Osamu was the first to speak surprisingly. "I heard from Azuma that Izumi hadn't been looking too well. When I asked him about it he seemed very hesitant to talk about the situation. I dropped it but Mr.Kodera sorta bombarded him with questions and concerns."

"Then Osamu called me and I brought them here with Tachikawa." Jin said as pointed towards Mikumo.

Kazama sighed. He knew it was a lot to ask of the blonde teen. Maybe he should've taken the implication approach. It was too late now, he had to tell them what was up. He didn't hold back as he tried to recall their entire conversation that night.

World Trigger: Kazama's New Child { This version is discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now