Chapter 35~Prison Breaks and Lost Lives Return

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Rachel was going to die.

The more I tried to help her, the more she pushed me away. She was tired. Hungry. Pale. Ghastly thin.

She was going to give up.

Part of me yelled at her to get it together and stay strong for our friends. But the other part told me to give up with her.

I missed Kelsey. I missed her stupid jokes and funny smile and lovable words. I missed Bridget. I missed fangirling over OUAT with her. And the weird jokes we had. I missed Luke's stupid pins about hair. I missed Peter's awkward laugh.

I missed Nic.

I don't want him to be dead.

I don't want to grasp reality.

"Are you going to give us what we want?"

I swear Tartarus doesn't understand what the word no means.

I waited for Rachel to sass him.


Her voice croaked.

"Are you mad Rachel?"

I looked at her.

Rachel shot me a look.

"I want to go home. We'll give you what you want."

I stepped forward.

"Excuse me, we aren't saying anything. Rachel, your kidding. I hope."

Rachel stood up wearily.

"Lacey I'm tired. I'm hungry. My entire body aches. I can't do this anymore. I can't stay like this any longer."

Tartarus smiled.

"The blood of art shall fall."

I pushed against my chain to stop her.

"Rachel. Goulding. What are you doing?"

My head turned too quick. Pain ached through my back.

That voice.

Nic. Nic. Nic. Nic. Nic. Nic.

Rachel looked up.


Her voice was weak.


A boy with pale skin, clear eyes, and dark black hair peered out of the shadows.

Tartarus stopped.

"Who are you?"

Nic laughed.

"I am Nicholas Griffon. Son of Hades. My father relieved you of your duty."

Tartarus just chuckled.

"Listen you little-"

Nic sent a flask of light that bonded Tartarus.

"Curtesy of the gods."

Nic picked up Rachel who let out a sob into his shirt.

"Woah that was awesome."I said, tugging on my chains for emphasis.

"Sorry Lace."He said.

Another shard of light broke the chains.

"We have to get out. We can't stay here longer, Chaos will notice something wrong. Tartarus won't stay in that hold much longer."

Nic nodded.

"Let's bust out of Hell's Worst Land."

We moved up where columns of skeletal armies were. Nic had dug a tunnel where we skimmed out to the new world.

For the first time in weeks, we saw sunlight. Blue skies. Warm beaches and clean sand.

"What do we do first?"Nic asked.

I smiled.

"Let's go home."


"Yes Rachel. Starbucks."

The Unpredictable Five (wattys 2014)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora