Chapter 26~The Dove Shall Share Her Darkest Secret

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My life flashed through my eyes.

First memory, my mom and I eating ice cream at the Bellagio in Las Vegas while my sister and dad went shopping. Everyone that passed stared at my drop dead gorgeous mom, who batted her eyelashes at everyone while smiling at me.

Second memory, when my mom and dad had that fight where everything went south. She screamed at him and he screamed back. She was red hot with anger, and she stormed out and, I'm not kidding, she had Zeus blast all of my dad's cars.

Little moments moved in my head. The first time Rachel spoke to me. The first time I made friends. The first time I saw Peter. Everything.

I heard this happens when people die.

I don't want to die.

At least thats what my head says.

But not so much.


Pain, so much freaking pain. My arm was practically dead and my knee was busted. Every time I attempted standing up, the blood rushed to my knees and I buckled back down. I used my arm to break the fall, which in turn, had rendered it basically useless.

"Y'all okay?"I asked, looking around.

Ruby groaned and Rachel moaned.

"My head."Rachel said, getting up and holding her head.

"My back."Ruby ached.

"Well well."A voice grunted from the side."Friends at last."

I hated when voices did that.

"Another minor goddess?"Rachel perked up.


The goddess grunted, and walked up.

"We meet again."She smiled, looking at me.

I hated this chick so much it's not even funny.

Her eyes were crystals of ice and her hair was a striking white. Khione, the Goddess of Snow, had came back.

"We can beat you once again."I answered, biting my tongue from saying not okay words.

She laughed a cruel laugh.

"But your wolf is dead."She smiled."Tsk tsk. Your wolf is dead. And because of you. It's not the only thing you've done, right Lacey?"

Dam she had a way with words. That hit way too close to my heart. I just nodded.

"Are you going to tell them-or will I?"Khione taunted."Oh, but the oracle says that you must share your secret. Maybe that is why Chaos had taken such an interest in you. Because what you say and what you mean are both greatly different."

Rachel grabbed her dagger.

"Stop."I put the force into my words.

"Your words do not affect me."Khione laughed.

"I wasn't talking to you."I turned to Rachel."Put it down."

Rachel was shocked, but she did as I said.

"I'm sorry."I whispered."But it's time you learned. My sister's death is my fault. I killed her. It was an accident, I swear. But if I hadn't interfered she would be here. Same with Nic, if I hadn't been weak, I could've carried you and we could've been safe. All of us. It's all my fault Rachel. Everything."

I pulled up my arm to reveal the scars.

"They don't fade away."I said."They are marks of battles I have never won."

I wiped my eyes.

Rachel looked at me in the exact same way as before.

"It's not your fault."She said."That witch is getting in your head Lacey."

Khione blasted Rachel back and walked closer to me.

"Are you going to let the death of your friend be the fault of yours?"She asked.

Every bit of anger in me roared. This lady should be dead. I hated her guts so bad. I wanted Aphrodite to blast her into nothingness. Right then and there.

Dear Mom,
I need to kill someone.
Please Help,

And then, with that prayer, my mom did something she's never done before.

She came.

Not like in the form of an amazing actress, but in her true form. A great strong goddess, huge and blinding with the light that burned my eyes.

I shielded my eyes.

"Khione, you dare attack my own daughter!"Aphrodite's voice boomed.

Khione screeched.

"Aphrodite."She whispered."Your power can stop me here, but you're foolish. Take the demigods to safety now or watch your precious daughter fall into the hands of the old."

Aphrodite laughed, like a famous actress of the old.

"Oh, who am I to be again of ice?"She said, blasting a huge ray of light upon everyone.

The room shook with power until I blanked out.

The Unpredictable Five (wattys 2014)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें