Flashy backy chapter

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Picture this meme with Finland talking about Estonia or Greenland and Antarctica XD


America's POV: 

It was a faint night and I was on the floor crying. "PAPA IM SORRY, PLEASE!" I pleaded for mercy I knew asking for independence could get me killed. But I wanted to be a strong country! I was lifted into the air facing my father. "You little-" Uk said with a growl before throwing me into a wall. "F-f-father w-why..." I looked at him tears flowing like water falls. Blood was all over the room. 

"Your out of my house...." 


"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" He shouted. I ran to my room packing all of my belongs. He was shouting "YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THIS AMERICA! YOUR NOTHING WITH OUT ME! EVERYTHING YOU DO FROM THIS DAY FORTH WILL BE A MISTAKE OR A REGRET LIKE YOU!" I tried not believing his words. "I wish mom were still here..." 

I was too scared to go out the front door. I tip toed to my window and opened it quickly and quietly. I crawled out and closed it behind me. I ran into the forest. I knew where to go. It was place I snuck off to there frequently. Especially when father was like this. I walked into a decent sized house. I opened the door and walked inside to the creaky wooden floors. "Kids! I'm home!" I tried yelling but my voice was shaky and I couldn't really speak well. Virgina and it's west counterpart came down and saw me hurt. "MOMMMA!" They shouted before the two came running towards me helping me to the couch.

"IT WAS THAT EVIL BRITISH GUY WASN'T MA!" Virgina yelled. West went to get bandages. "He's not...evil...I just think he doesn't know what he is doing sometimes." West came back in the room with bandages. "No, no, no, Virgina got a point he is pure evil." He said as he sat down to wrap bandages on my arms and legs. The other 11 states came down and saw this. The all rushed into the living room trying to figure out if there was anything that they could do the help.  

"Britain did it!" West said looking at the rest. Georgia pulled out her first and favorite gun. "THAT JERK I'LL KILL 'EM!" she shouted heading for the door. Delaware grabbed her arm. "Right now mom needs us! You can do that later?!" He said pointing at me. I felt overwhelmingly tired, dizzy, and emotionally broken. Then it all went black....


"Am I dead?" 

"W-whats going on..... guys?"

Connecticut's POV: 

Mom passed out on the couch. I went upstairs and into her room. I grabbed her big soft gray blanket taking it down stairs. I handed it to New York. He put it on mom and tucked her in. He turned and whispered "shhhhhh. Mom is sleeping." And the rest of us snuck up to our rooms. I was still worried about mom. Is she alright...? What happened. What did grandpa even do to her..?

I sat in my bed looking out the window. "I should go investigate!" I said to myself. I put on a coat covering my face. I walked over to my window hopping out.

+small time skip+

And And I was walking down the street and I saw him.. He was walking with three other boys across the street. I kept my head down still looking at them and making sure I didn't bump into anyone. I noticed a crowd going across the street. I quickly ran and joined them fallowing the Brit. "Dad? What happened to ame?" One with a furry hat asked. I think that's Canada? I'm not to sure... "Don't be so worried 'Nada. She will come back. When she's ready that is..." I felt uncomfortable at his tone and ran away from them going home. I opened my window and closing it like I never left.

America's POV: 

I was intensive pain. Every part of my body stung and hurt. Probably from his belt thing... Most of my states were still down stairs helping me. Confederate came into the living room and gasped. "WHAT HAPPENED! WHO DID THIS!?!" He screamed running over to me. He hugged me and kissed my head crying. "B-BrittIan d-did... but I'm fine!" I said with a convincing fake smile on. I couldn't ever keep anything hidden from him to be honest. He saw right through my lies. "Ame, I hate it when you lie like this! Your clearly in pain! You don't have to lie anymore he's not here! And he will never be back here." He finished. I started balling and my body sank to the floor. I was given hugs from everyone as they tried to calm me down. I noticed someone was missing. Connecticut? Where could he be. I tried to get up but I was stoped by  the confederation. "You need to rest, lay back down." I said desperately "b-but w-" he cut me off "what ever it is I'm sure it can wait. You need to heal." I couldn't argue so I sat back down with everyone around me. 


The British boi being means! >:[

Connecticut was connected to the cut. 

Lol. I'm so not funny ;-; 

What is a place you have always wanted to go to? 

What to do with kids like you.. [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें