America has kids?

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Russia's POV still: 

As all of this chaos is happening I pull out my phone. And call Moscow. 

M: Привет? папа? что не так почему ты мне звонишь? (Hey? Dad? What's wrong why are you call me? 

R:Эй, сынок, ты можешь прийти на это собрание, оно стало хаотичным, и мне нужно ехать домой, потому что ты знаешь, что у тебя есть машина .... помогите пожалуйста ... (hey son can you come over to this meeting its gotten chaotic, and i need a ride home as you know you have the car.... help please...) 

M: да, я уже еду, скоро увидимся, пока! (yeah i'm on my way i will see you soon bye!)

R: БЛАГОДАРЮ ВАС! ТАК ЖИЗНЬ БЕЗОПАСНО! Я имею в виду спасибо. люблю тебя, пока! (THANK YOU! SUCH A LIFE SAFER! i-i mean thanks. love you bye!)

I closed out my phone looking back from where I was with all these states everywhere. After a lot of yelling and fighting they calmed down enough to speak with the UN. "Who's your mother? Or father?" He asked bending down to talk to a state that had red white and blue with what looks like a tiny building surrounded by stars. She was wearing a army suit with a flags on her sleeves and one on her chest. I snuck closer past the already noisy countries to get a better look. 

"My mother is America. Wha-" she stoped and looked at me. "Hold up! YOUR THE ONE WHO SOLD MY BROTHER!" I straightened up and looked at the child "who is your 'brother?' I don't remember selling anyone." I replied. A state taller than the rest came up to the front. 

"You don't remember me..." he whispered looking up. 

"A-wait.. Alaska?"  



HoWs LiFe. 

Because I don't have one ;-; 

Anyway I don't what I'm doing I know this is getting weird because I can't write big long chapters like the big boi writers so... *insert screeching here*

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