Weird as life is

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(The state) Georgia's POV: 

I woke up getting my regular army suit and hat on. I was pretty bored so I went to my computer and decided to google my name. And I never felt more uncomfortable and confused in my life... what the actual what. Am I looking at... I saw another of Cali kissing me.... I started blushing and scrolled away quickly.  "Disgusting..." I whispered to myself. Note to self for the future: Don't EVER search your name on the internet unless your extra bored and there are no siblings to tortu- I mean play with yeah. 

(What she saw btw)

(A/N I don't ship it but it is a cute picture lol) 

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(A/N I don't ship it but it is a cute picture lol) 

I kept scrolling and regretted it more. I liked how the art was good and drawn well but... most of the pictures I saw didn't seem like me at all.. I was all 'kind' and 'loving'. I closed the tab  The shut down my computer and went down stairs. I was thankfully the first one up and saw a note. 'Ok welp ima raid the fridge now' I thought after reading my mother's letter placing back where it was. I walked to the kitchen and saw a pack of peaches on the counter! "Heck yeah!" I said grabbing them and running to my room on the third floor. I sat the peaches next to me and started watch Mr.Beast on YouTube along with some Pewdiepie videos. 

 +time skip+ 

I'm walking down stairs and everyone is down there munching on cereal. I walk into the kitchen not really hungry after that bag of peaches I ate so I grabbed some water and start drinking it. I walk into the living room seeing Cali and Texas arguing and Alaska watching it. He was holding some vodka. "Oi!" I yelled as they turned to me. "Why are y'all fighting?" Texas chimed in "this idiotic wanna be Australian was saying that he's better than me again ." She said pointing at the shorter state. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME FAILURE OF A COWGIRL!" He stood up yelling. Then they started fight again till Alaska said glaring "If you don't shut up before you wake Hawaii I will throw you two off the roof..." "ohhh snap... If they don't can I help?" I asked he looked at me and nodded. "Yesh!" 

I took the remote and turned on sponge bob. Soon every state was in the living room watching. But... something didn't feel right... "WAIT! WHERES MOM?!?" I got up and started panicking. Every state started looking for her quickly. "Connecticut Have you seen anything?" I looked down at him. "No! What about you peach?" I sighed. "No, And don't call me that!" He giggled "Why not?" I picked him up. "That's why not." I said and threw him across the hall. "Ow ok!" He said hitting the wall. 

We ended up back in the living room with no luck. "We have no choice all she said on her letter was she's go I gotta on a walk!" I demanded. "We need to go look outside!" After a lot of convincing everyone agreed. We went out back Texas got onto her horse Alaska and Hawaii on a polar bear. As the rest climbed in California's van. Big enough to fit the rest of us. "I wanna go in my tank!" I said next to him. "No we don't want to look threatening in front of them! You don't know what they could be capable of." He replied firmly. We all left the house and head for our mother's job. 

America's POV: 

I was sitting in a meeting when all of a sudden the door flies across the room and almost hits UN. Everyone turns and I see non other than my states!?! HERE?!? WHY ARE THEY HERE!?! Georgia runs up to me and grabs my hand. "YOU SAID YOU WERE JUST GOING ON A WALK IN THAT NOTE!" 'That's why their here' I facepalmed at he thought of my stupidity. She began dragging me out the room. "HEY SHE CANT JUST LEAVE IN THE MIDDLE OF A MEETING!" UN called. Georgia turned and pulled out a machine gun. "I can do what I want, this is my mother SO SHUSH!" The rest of the states came to calm her down. And Alaska pushed me on the bear with Hawaii. He smacked it and said "Hut hut!" And it started darting for the door. 

"What the heck just happened?" 

+Russia's POV: 


What the? I got up and walked to one in a black ushanka and taped his shoulder. He looked stunned when he saw me. "What are all of you states doing here?" I asked getting straight to the point. He looked at me turning a whole lighter shade of blue, like he was, scared ? "почему .... ты продал ... мне"  (why did you sell me) was the last things he said before he ran off. 

—- — - - — - — - 


Hi I write short chapters for a living hahahahahaha. 

Idk what else to do now soooo... 

how was your day? Mines been ok... I mean could be better 

(Stay inside and wash your hands stay safe y'all!) 

What to do with kids like you.. [Discontinued]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora