Ugghhh mornings

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America's POV: 

    I woke up hearing the usual screaming and yelling... I sighed and got up to get ready.  I got a white shirt, black leggings, black jacket, and bright red tile and walked out the door. I looked at the time. '8:40?!? I have to be there by nine!' I thought quickly trying to get past the sea of tiny heads going into the kitchen. I got there at- wait not time. I dash and grab a slice of bread and grab my work load and head out the door yelling "Goodbye everyone love ya! Don't breaks to much stuff!" Hopping in my car and speeding to work.

+time skiiiip+

    I got there in the nick of time and rush into the building with a few other countries trailing in. I stoped at a wall and started panting. "A....normal....Tuesday..." I said to myself in between breaths. I dusted off my clothes and headed into the meeting. Sat in my assigned chair waiting for UN to come. I was playing games on it for a while and felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. 'Oh- HECK NO!-'  

Russia's POV: 

"привет америка~" (hi America) I said glaring into her red and black eyes. "What do you want Ruski...." she said quietly looking away. "What can't a Russian talk to their short friend ame~?" I asked trying to provoke her. "No... firstly I'm not your friend. Secondly, if you don't mind your dumb little vodka filled brain I'm trying to play candy crush! WITHOUT A WITCH GLARING AT ME!" She barked. 'Two can play at this game...' I thought glaring some more. "By the way, everyone's has been wondering what secrets you hide in that big mansion of yours~." I paused looking at her terrified face. "Yeah, other countries have noticed you live up there all alone and with all that land-" she cut me off "shut. The. Heck. UP!" She got up and slapped me. "Ow!" I said holding my check looking at the shorter woman. She took a deep breath. Looking back at she said "One more word and I will slap the red white and blue off of your face...DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" She yelled by now everyone was looking at us. I nodded but l not really meaning it and walking over to my seat. My sister Ukraine was giggling next to me till I shot her a glare. "I can't believe I got slapped by her..." I wished it never happened. Now I'm going to be the laughing stock of the block... I glanced at America, she sat back in her chair salty as those what is it? McDonald's French fires? Yeah, there it is. UN came out and started speaking "Good morning ladies and gentlemen men!" 

+time skip again+ (I'm lazy)

America's POV: 

   Thank gosh that's over... I still couldn't believe I had actually slapped Russia. Man it felt so good! I hated that guys guts and nothing was going to change that... I walked back to my car siting in the front seat with a pile of paper work that needed to be completed by tomorrow next to me. ' sleep tonight...' I thought turning the key and leaving the parking lot.  I turned radio on and started listening to Beyoncé. "A woman from the heavens.." I said to myself turning up the radio.  

+time skip again again?+ 

I walk in the house to lots of laughter. I walk to the living room seeing Texas tied to the fan. Georgia turned the fan on and yelled "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS  WHEN YOU CALL ME SHORT!" 'Not again' I thought to myself breaking through the crowd of states. "GEORGIA WASHINGTON!" she turned around and started tripping on her words. "O-oh h-Howdy m-moma..." she said really southern. She only starts getting that way when either A: she's in trouble and she knows it or B: she's very flattered. I walk towards her And ask Alaska to turn of the fan. I smack the back of her head "THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING TO YOUR BROTHER LONG LADY!" I shouted. "Ow! Mama I can explain if ya let me..." she said holding the back of her head. Pennsylvania yelled across the room "HAHAHA YOUR SCREWED GEORGE!" Delaware yelled, "YEAH!" I saw her give them both a death glare and scrape her fingers across her neck. She'd look back at me and said "I-I p well...." I covered my eyes and said "everyone to their rooms.." they all started to leave as I untied Texas. "Tex you know better than to tease your sister like that she can kill you and she will without a doubt." He looked down "Yeah your right... I'm sorry mom..." I bent down "I'm not the one you should apologize to my little cowboy..." He nodded and left me in the room alone. 

— — —- - —- - -  —— 

HEY I THINK I DID OK! Anyway chapters in this book will most likely be short because I'm always in a writers block. Anyway this will have states shipped with others because reasons... I have a problem ;-; 

Oi I drew dis so I thought you might like it here!

Oi I drew dis so I thought you might like it here!

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

It was a redraw and I'm proud of it 

What to do with kids like you.. [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora