When people find out about Ethan and me, I don't want them to laugh and think we are incompatible. Starting tomorrow, I will start wearing lip-gloss.

"Today I have Biology, then Chemistry, then English," said Ethan, looking at his timetable sheet. It was stamped with the school logo and had been handed out to each of us when we entered school.

"Oh my God. Your schedule is the same as Anna's. And almost the same as mine - except for Chemistry, because I took Economics." Susan literally snatched both mine and Ethan's timetable sheets to compare them. She sneakily peeked at me and smirked, to show she understood what was going on here. I rolled my eyes in response. 

That was a good enough comeback to silence her stares. But of course, her mouth can never be shut down; she continued, "I wonder if this is a coincidence, or purposely planned?"

I wanted to reply saying 'no.' Because when the form-filling day had come, Susan and I were together and Ethan was not with us - he had had some important work to do. It must be a... "Coincidence." Ethan read my mind and replied.

"I envy you two." Susan sounded cheeky as ever. She returned the papers to each of us and started walking towards the class.

Ethan and I quietly followed her to class. After thinking it through, I realized that it was a bit odd that Ethan and I had the same schedule - these subjects were not so easy to get, especially for someone who was a transfer student. 

On the other hand, he was a top-three student, so I had to consider that as well. Susan made it through class, thankfully, and so did I. Science has always been my favourite subject. Classes went smoothly and much quicker than I anticipated, and soon it was lunchtime. The three of us sat at our usual table from the first semester.

"You guys, I forgot to tell you..." Susan started gossiping as soon as we settled down to eat. I took a bite of my cheeseburger - it was especially on the menu today - and listened to her carefully.

"Remember that guy who disappeared from the party where I was super drunk?" Oh, yes. Please reveal the truth going on in my life, I thought sarcastically. I completely forgot about that guy. I hope they found him alive and that he is recovering well. I stopped eating and looked at her in expectation of what she was going to say next.

"He... returned back!" she said, sounding like a dramatic news reporter – just like her mother. Oh, thank God! He is back. I closed my eyes in relief and smiled.

"Speaking of the devil, here he comes" I turned to face Ethan who was busy looking at Mathew entering the lunchroom.

I didn't know him very well, but it was quite obvious that he had changed somehow. He was wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, and black jeans. It looked as if the incident had had no effect on him. I guess that's a good thing, but since it has only been four days, it was surprising. He had no sign of being weak, and actually had a wide smile on his face. He passed by us to sit at his gang's usual table and started talking to them about baseball.

"He looks pretty normal," I commented. I looked at him with a squint so that I could properly analyse his behaviour.

"He was found returning to his house in the same clothes. Apparently, he was quoted saying "I don't remember a thing." Susan knew everything about everyone at school.

"That's good, isn't it?" Ethan questioned. Yes, it is good. But it leaves our town in danger again. Since the person behind all this - James - is not yet known, he will come back again to take someone else. James had said that I will regret it. 

Does that mean that Mathew is a werewolf now? It would explain his changed behaviour and looks. I need proof, to confirm my thoughts. Jumping to conclusions will only make things harder for me.

"Yes. Ethan is right," I said, nodding my head so that Susan wouldn't interfere anymore. She has helped a lot anyway.

Classes got over on time. I told Susan that I needed to go to the library to do some research for my Chemistry test. 

This was a good opportunity for me to go alone to a place that I had long forgotten - the magic book shop. I did have work to complete so after the library, I will visit the shop. I think some of the questions I have left, could be answered there. 

That old lady is hiding something from me. I even carried the purple necklace to show her, just in case she does not remember me from the other day.

I walk towards the library, which is on the fifth floor of our school building. 

I feel like someone is following me. I turn around and see nobody behind. Most of the students had left school since it was only the first day. Was I just having an illusion, or was someone really following me?







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