Road To PSLE

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Moving on to Primary 4, we had more boys joining the class. We had a very caring teacher who taught us well. She even promised us that all those who managed to go up the stage to receive a prize during the Prize Giving Ceremony will receive a lunch treat from her. Well, I did not work extremely hard just because of that reward. I worked hard mainly not to disappoint my mum. Guess the hard work did pay off. I scored full marks in both my Mathematics Mid-Year and End-of-Year Examinations. With that, I found myself receiving the P4 Best in Mathematics award. Together with three other classmates, I received a KFC lunch treat from my teacher! She drove us to Kallang Bahru KFC for our treat, which later became the KFC outlet I frequent the most two years later. You'll find out why soon.

Primary 5, the biggest moment was probably the loss of my grandpa due to heart attack. We were really sadden by our grandpa's departure because he really doted us a lot. He was always there for my mum in school and at home. So much so that he even shifted into our house to live with us. Although he only stayed with us for a year before he passed on, the house felt a little empty after that.

Finally came the Primary 6, the year of PSLE. It was also the year when I became a prefect. I don't remember much of being a prefect in my school except standing along the corridor during recess and stopping any pupil who ran. Life as a prefect was pretty easy, maybe too easy.

Like many other graduating pupils, we were thinking which school we should chose. During my times, we would need to select our secondary school options before taking our PSLE. Through a school badge sticker book, I was somehow attracted to the badge from Victoria School. The school was also very near the KFC restaurant my P4 teacher brought us to. It became my target for the year.

Before we knew it, we have completed our primary school education. Sitting in the hall waiting for our results was nervous for all of us. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. Soon, the Principal arrived with the teachers and of course with our results. After sharing with us how the school fare for the year, he then announced the pupils who came in Top 10% for the year. As he read out the names, I was joining the school and clapping with joy. In fact, I was so engrossed in clapping that I did not realized my name was read by the Principal! It was only when my classmates prompted me to stand that I realized I came in Top 10%.

It was a significant day as I felt that I have not let my mum down. Victoria School, here I come!

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