Accidental Murder

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Ring..... My mum picked up the phone and within seconds, her face turned pale. She then picked up her bag and dashed out of the house.....

As I've mentioned, my father was a diligent worker. It was because of his diligence that the company decided to promote him and to reward him with a company car. He was a humble supervisor who took good care of his workers. After receiving his car, he would at time stayed behind after his working hours to help his workers finish their work so that he could drive them home.

One's gain is another's loss. There was another supervisor who was jealous of my father's promotion. It was apparently quite obvious to many workers but my father was not aware of it. If only he knew. Well, so what if he knew anyway? Would he be able to prevent what's going to happen? Probably not.

It all happened in the afternoon when my mum was not at the factory. My father was helping his workers with their work. Round the corner came a forklift with two timber logs on it. No prize for guessing who was driving the forklift. With a loud thud, the two timber logs rolled off the forklift and charged towards my father. One caught hold of his leg while the other struck his head. He was pronounced dead on the spot.

When my mother received the news, she dashed out of the house immediately. I could sensed that something was not right. I knew I was right when my mum hugged me and cried profusely the minute she came home. I knew it was serious when neighbours crowded outside my house.

After investigation, it was classified as an accident. The workers were not convinced. My mum was not convinced. I guess the supervisor was not convinced himself as he fled the country after the trial.

Accident? Murder? Whatever it was, nothing could bring my father back to life. Nothing could change the hardship my family would be facing in the coming years.

On a separate note, I came in 2nd in class for my Primary One exam. However, my father was not there to witness my first time receiving a prize on stage......

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