(18) Awkward Silence

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"Okay then minho hyung come and help me too." He said it like nothing.

Minho pointed to himself and jisung nodded.

"Sowon, wouldnt be of help. She should just stay here." Inha suddenly spoke

"I could come with you guys, sowon can just help with ordering." Woojin stood up.

"4 is too many, ill stay here." Minho said.

"No, 4 is fine we could all just split up."

"Yeah, thats a great idea it'll be faster." Woojin agreed.

I was just watching them.

"Woojin hyung youre coming with-"


"No,with me. Minho hyung and sowon noona will buy the lighter items." Jisung explained.

"I can help you with the heavy stuff, hyung can just go with sowon." Minho said cooly.

Looks like he doesnt want to be left alone with me...

"Ani. Me and hyung know these restaurants better than you do." Jisung answered again.

Woojin just pouted.

"Lets go then, noona get up." Jisung gestured me to come along, i stood up from my seat.

Here goes nothing.

"Im coming with you." Inha stood up.

"What? Then im coming too." Chan followed

"What? no!" Jisung face palmed.

"I cant let my girlfriend go out without me."

"Noona can handle it right?" Jisung looked at me.

"Its fine inha, i can do it."

"But something might happen." Inha reasoned.

"She's with minho hyung." Jisung was going crazy.

"Aigoo, let just get a delivery." Hyunjin muttered.

"With you on that." Minho went back to the sofa.

"You guys have been wasting time, we couldve been done with it if we just called." Seungmin added.

"You guys shut up, ill order." Changbin took the telephone.

We all went back to our seats.

So much for planning.

"We were so close. Dont worry we still have a day ahead." Jisung whispered to me.

"Dont try too hard jisung-ah."

The food came, we were eating while watching  john wick. They were all focused on watching, jisung and inha were beside me. Minho was sitting next to woojin. I watch him be amazed at the movie, i suddenly remember the time we were watching jumanji, i enjoyed the movie and he didnt. I guess now is my turn.

Ive watched this a hundred times, so i was really bored. I started scrolling through my phone to stop staring at him. The movie was finished, we cleaned up.

We all looked sleepy, i guess theyre all still tired from all those promoting. We were all busy with our phones, changbin was talking to aini so he later on went to his room. Felix stared playing games with jeongin and seungmin. Inha was talking to chan, and jisung was talking to minho. Woojin and hyunjin were washing the dishes.

Well i guess ill never get the chance to get close with him. Why did i even come here? Small sigh escaped my mouth.

"Im gonna go and buy some snacks." Jisung took his phone and wallet.

"Im coming with you." Minho stood up.

"Sowon do you wann-"

"Sowon looks tired, she should just stay here." Inha cuts off jisung.

I smiled at jisung letting him know its okay.

So i was left there sitting in the sofa with the couple beside me, aigoo i never felt so out of place.

My phone suddenly rings. I was getting a call from johnny.

"Excuse me." I went outside.

Johnny: hi, is this a wrong time?
Me: no its fine, what is it?
Johnny:  are you free right now? Lets go out.
Me: sorry, im actually at a friends house right now.
Johnny: oh, maybe next time then.
Me: yeah i guess.
Johnny: okay byeeee.

I was holding my phone, its really boring inside. I wanted to go home...

I messaged inha that im just gonna go buy something.

I went out for a walk in the neighbourhood. Aigoo i think jisung's plans wont work. I kept on walking, there were stores but i couldnt decide what to buy so i just went inside and grab whatever my hands lands on.

Ill just buy a drink i guess.

"Sowon?" I accidentally dropped the drink.

"Minho." I picked up the drink. I forgot i cant call him minho, we arent close anymore... "lee know, where's jisung?"

"We decided to split up. He's buying the pizza."

"Oh." It was awkward.

"What about you? What are you doing here?"

"Uhh, i wanted to buy this." I showed him the drink.

"You should've told us."

"I got shy." What? Im so lame.

"You could just text jisung." He grabbed some large drinks inside the fridge.

"Yeah, i just wanted to go out too." He nodded. I followed him as he grabs some snacks and went to pay.

"You can go in first, i need to meet up with jisung."

"Can i come with you? I have nothing to do in the dorm, ill help you carry those." I was about to grab the plastic bags.

"Okay, but you dont have to carry these. Lets go then." We began walking.

This is the first time im doing this, what am i supposed to do? I dont know how to start a conversation.

"You and jisung seem to be pretty close." He started.

"Yeah, he's nice."

"He's very fond of you, he would talk to me about you."

Youre getting it wrong minho..

"Im fond of him too."

A crow passes...

Our conversation died. This is so depressing.

"Oh, there's jisung."


"See he saw you already." Minho said as jisung made his way toward us.

"Noona what are you doing here?" Jisung was holding the boxes of pizza.

"I saw her at the store buying a drink, she wanted to come with us. She said she was bored."

"Sorry, for leaving you noona. I thought you were tired."

"Its fine."

"Lets go?" Minho started walking first leaving us behind.

"So what happened?"

"Nothing." I pouted.

"Aigoo, you didnt talk to him?"

"We talked for a second."

"Dont worry this is only in the beginning."

"A bad start."

"Dont say that, lets go he's leaving us behind."

The day ended, minho and me didnt interact at all. I ended up telling changbin stories about aini the whole time.

Its only my first time trying but i already want to give up.

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