"Oh, wow, that was really hot." The other mumbles, fully laughing when Jeongguk gets back up, something that looks really good on him.

They're tipsy so Jeongguk's hands find their way on Taehyung's waist easier, the other's smile not even once faltering.

"You're the first person that's managed to make me laugh like this on a date." Taehyung says, his eyes searching Jeongguk's face like he's looking for his secret treasures.

He smiles as well, swirling their bodies around. It's the first time he's ever laughed like this.

"I'm glad to hear that. I hope I'll make you even happier."

And that's it, that's the part that of Taehyung that seems to change at the mere sound of a sentence. His eyes sadden, looking away, and his lips part, like he's trying to say something he can't.

"You might."

Jeongguk notices the change in Taehyung but he doesn't question it, doesn't want to intrude again. He wants him to tell him on his own, whenever he's ready, so he smiles instead, leaning down to press his lips on Taehyung's forehead before turning towards the kitchen. He gets out a bowl of strawberries and turns towards the other, raising his brows.

"Up for some star gazing and strawberries?"

And Taehyung's happy again, chuckling cheerfully as Jeongguk collects a blanket and some pillows to put on the chair seated on the terrace. He lays there first, Taehyung settling happily between his legs with his head on his chest, the blanket dropped over them as the other munches on the strawberries. The two things Taehyung seems to awfully love, the sky, and strawberries. Jeongguk is proud of himself for remembering it from their previous dinner, when Taehyung's eaten a strawberry from his chocolate cake decoration, mumbling something about how much he loved them.

After a while, when the strawberries are almost finished, Taehyung sighs, shuffling closer to Jeongguk and raising his feet to his chest in order to warm up more.

"I enjoy looking at the sky so much because I don't really know what's going on there. No one fully does. We can't know how far we're looking into the past when we're looking at a certain star, we can't know when the Sun or the Antares will turn supernovae, we can't know if there's someone else besides us out there. I think it's fascinating, not knowing, but still being so attracted to it, still giving your best to find out."

His words die off in the silence and Jeongguk lets them, tightening his grip around Taehyung's waist as he too keeps watching the sky. It's nice, feeling the warmth of another person next to his, on more levels than physical. He looks at Taehyung next, watching as his eyes go around the sky, probably recognizing constellations and stars Jeongguk doesn't even know the name of. He's beautiful, in a way that makes him believe he would've liked Taehyung even if he wouldn't have been able to see him. Jeongguk's heard things about people that shone between others, about people that stood out, but he never believed in rumors.

Now, that he's seeing him, hearing his words, sensing his passionate soul and intriguing mind, he can't help but feel like Taehyung really does stand out to him, can't help but feel like the other could stand out to the whole world if he would let himself be seen like he's letting Jeongguk seem him right there.

They stay there for a few more minutes but Jeongguk moves when Taehyung stars shivering, leaning down to kiss the top of his ear.

"Let's go back inside." He mumbles, seeing the other nod, both of them getting up, Jeongguk dropping the blanket over the younger's shoulders as they walk, stopping midway on the stairs when he realizes something. "Hey, Tae?"

"Hmm?" He answers, turning back to look him in the eyes.

"How old are you anyway?"

Taehyung smiles, his eyes closing, and Jeongguk feels, not like the world stops around them, but like it finally starts moving again.

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