11 | Abusive By Accident |

Start from the beginning

Gray: Y/n open the door!

You tuck your head between your legs as tears streamed down your face.

He begins to bang on the door making it hit your back. Pains from last night kick in. You stand up onto your feet and lean against the door. The banging stops. You put your ear against the door. As you listen you hear heaving breathing thought the thin door.

"Y/n just open the door..." he says lowly. As if he knew you were on the other side. Maybe even hoped. You reach for the doorknob and unlock it. You slowly open it. You look up at him. He had cooled down. He stared at you confused. You then see a bit of remorse in his eyes. He reaches his hand out to your face.

"Please don't touch me." you snap at him.

He puts his hand into his pajama pants pockets.

Gray: Breakfast is only a few minutes away...

Y/n: I'm not hungry.

He goes to say something but stops himself.

Gray: K.

He walks back to his room. You shut the door a lock it again. You didn't feel safe knowing he could just come in at any time. You walk over to your bathroom and look into the mirror. Your hands glides across the marks he had made. A single tear falls from your eyes. You both were in a good place. For him to put his hands on you again made you feel scared. You were scared the first time but he stopped. You knew you had to stay clear of him.

24 Minutes Later

You had just finished showering. You grabbed a silky pink robe and wrapped it around your body. As you tied the rope you walked over to the huge window your room had. You looked down at the city. It was gloomy outside and raindrops filled your window. As you continue to look you notice a building. It stood out to you. You look at the sign next to it. You squinted them trying to focus.

"Need a lawyer? You're at the right place." you mumble reading it. You gasp. It was where you worked. You were close to your work building. You jump up and down in excitement. You stop and look at it realizing that you would ever be let out of here. You knew too much about the organization. The thing about it was, even if you were given a chance to leave... You didn't know if you'd want to. You walk away from the window and head to your drawers. You open them to see them filled with clothes. You weren't planning on leaving your room so you picked out some pajamas.

As you look at yourself in the mirror you stare at them in awe. You began to wonder if he picked them out himself. As you were about to walk over to your bed you hear a knock at the door. You slowly walk over to it sighing at the fact that he wouldn't leave you alone. You open the door to reveal Niah. She greets with a smile.

Y/n: Hey, what are you doing here?

"Boss told me to bring you some pancakes. He said you were too sad to come eat." she says lifting a tray they sat on up for you to see.

A smile forms on your face.

Y/n: Thank you so much. Do you want to come in?

"Sure." she says stepping into the door. You close the door behind her. She sets the tray on a stand and walks over to your bed. She sits on the edge and turns to you.

"So who are you wearing the cute pajamas for?" she teases.

You chuckle a bit.

Y/n: All of my pajamas are like this and definitely not for "boss".

Niah: Something going on between you two? I won't tell anyone, I swear.

You set on the bed next to her.

Y/n: I thought a little something was happening. Nothing sexual just a friendship. If you'd even call it that...

"More like friends with benefits. He has that with Tabitha except for the friends part." she jokes.

She turns to your face as you look at her. You notice her staring at the marks. You move your hand on top of them.

"Oh baby, did he do that to you?" she says tilting your chin up.

"No, it was from the mission last night..." you lie. You didn't even know why you were covering for him. I guess even if he hurt you, you still cared for him.

"Okay..." she says knowing you're lying.

Niah: Just know, boss once had a girlfriend... I think 2 years ago. She lived in this room actually. One day people heard yelling. Soon the yelling stopped and people thought they worked it out. They never saw her again.

Y/n: What?! Were you there?

Niah: No, Exavior told me. He said he asked boss what happened and he got all mad. After that boss avoided him and they split. Romur has it, he wasn't all serious before the incident. He'd let people call him by his first name and he'd joke with others.

Y/n: What do you think happened to her?...

"Well he is soft for you and he still..." she trys not to bring it up.

Niah: A lot of people believe he killed her... she had a best friend here and she hasn't contacted her since her disappearance.

You gasp as your head begins to spend. You begin to get nervous and pull the pancake and tray in front of you.

"Wanna split it?" you say turning to her.

Niah: Thank god you offered.

You chuckle as you grab the remote and turn on the tv. It was the only thing you had to entertain you since you were unable to have your phone. You then think about your case.

Niah: Girl, what the fuck?!

She begins to shake you while pointing to the tv. On the tv, it showed a picture of you in your lawyer suit.

"And what did you say happened sir?"

"She called from a blocked number. She told me she was missing but then the phone cut off. At first, I just thought she was missing something but she hasn't responded to me in days."

"You heard it from us first folks. Y/n Y/l/n is missing and we are on the lookout. If you see a women that match this picture let us know! It is said from her girlfriend Catherine that the last time they talked it was late at night. Around 9."

Soon Cathrine pops onto the screen.

"Baby please come home. I miss you and I just want you back home safe."

The reporter then comes back onto the screen.

"If anyone knows where Y/n Y/l/n is please give our  news team a call."

The news turns to a different subject. You shut it off and look at Niah.

Niah: Your- you're a captive?!

Word Count: 1762

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