What Just Happened?

Start from the beginning


The prince goes back to the castle to get to his carriage and leave. Elsa saw him and ran towards him.

"Where's Anna?" she asked.

"She went off with her supposed "girlfriend". " He said and angrily opened the door.

"Girlfriend?" Elsa asked, confused.

"Oh yeah. Apparently your sister swings the other way. Gross, right?" He said.

Elsa got mad and a burst of her magic threw the prince inside the carriage and closed the door.

"Leave!" she shouted and went back inside the castle.

The prince's butler was shocked. He hurriedly drove away.


"Why are you here?" you asked.

You sat on the chair on the counter of the pub. The princess sat beside you.

"I won't leave you alone until you agree to help me out." she smiled.

"Give it up." you said.

The pub owner puts down two glasses of juice for you and Anna.

"Be a dear and help the little lady. I can tell she needs it." the owner told you.

"Not you too madam." you said.

You looked at Anna. She was still smiling at you and won't look away. She reminded you of a puppy telling it's master to give her a treat because she was a good girl. You laughed at your own thoughts. This time she frowned.

"What are you laughing at?" she asked and crossed her arms.

You stood up and ruffled her hair. She pouted at you and tried fixing it back. You walked towards the door and looked back at her.

"Aren't you coming? We have a date right?" you said and walked outside.

Anna gasped and smiled widely.

"Yes!" she exclaimed.

She bowed to the pub owner and ran outside.

"So what do we do first?" you asked her.

"Fix your looks?"

She stepped back and tried to visualize outfits on you. She gestured her hands like she was looking through a camera.

She looks cute. You thought.

"You look cute." she said.

You're eyes widened. You thought you said it aloud. Anna smiled at you again and grabbed your arms.

"Let's go!" she exclaimed.

"You're so loud!"

"Get used to it!"

People looked at the two of you. Some laughed because they know Anna. She's very bubbly and everyone apparently liked her. Her energy never seemed to run out too. She practically dragged you all around the place.

"I'm tired." you said.

"Tired!? You fought those wolves and now you got tired for a little walk!?"

"A little!? You call that a little!? It felt like we walked all over Arendelle 10 times!!"

She laughed at you.

"Fine fine. Let's go back to the castle. Elsa's probably fuming by now."

"Why?" you asked.

"Because I was out for too long. She's a worrywart."

"No, I mean, why am I going back with you?"

"Because I don't want you to escape." she looked at you seriously. "Aaaaand I don't know when that guy would show up so it's better to be prepared. It would be easier if you're near me. That would make me feel safer."

"That won't happen. Your sister hates me."

"If I explain, she'll understand. She doesn't like that prince either."

"Alright fine. But I'm not doing this for free okay?" you said.

"Deal! Come on!" she dragged you again.

You both walked towards the palace.

"You know, you look kind and bubbly and all that but you're also mean." you told Anna.

"Why do you say that?" she asked.

"You didn't even bother to remember his name. That's how insignificant he is for you?"

Anna laughed. She holds hands with you.

"What's your name again?" she asked.

"Oh come on!!" you exclaimed.

Then she laughed so hard her eyes moist with tears. You looked at her and smiled.

"I'm (Y/n)." you whispered.

She looked back at you.

"Nice to meet you (Y/n)." she smiled. "I'll never forget that name."


Kind of cliche.. but I can't think of another way to make their paths cross.. this'll have to do ..

Lol .I noticed Elsa has some anger management issues here... 🙊🙊🙊

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