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      As Colby's lips moved into sync with mine, his phone stopped ringing but soon after mine started. I pulled away figuring it was someone wondering why we left early and might be worried. "We'll talk about this after I talk to whoever this is." I told Colby biting my lip and smiling. I looked at my phone, "Wait Kenz, let me answer it. It could be John." Colby said grabbing my arm. I looked at my phone and saw it was just Kat. "Well unless he stole Kat's phone I think we're okay." I said giving him a reassuring smile. I swiped the green call button, "Hello?" I asked. I heard panting on the other side, "She answered." I heard a worried Kat tell someone else. "Kenzie..are you with Colby? Are you guys okay? Are you okay? Is he okay he didn't pick-" I cut her off as she was rumbling. "KAT.. calm down. Yes he's with me. Yes we're okay. We were...uhhh.." I didn't know if I should say we were kissing or save it for a more appropriate time. "Talking so he didn't answer." He looked at me with a puzzled expression. I shrugged looking at him. "Why did you guys leave?" Kat asked, "Umm...I don't feel like talking about it right now in all honesty." I said letting out a breathy laugh. "If you tell Devyn I asked her to explain to you she will." I said. "Okay baby I get it, I hope you're okay and if you want to talk about it just call me." She said, "Yeah of course. Love you kitty Kat." I said knowing I wouldn't call her because she won't be sober. "Love you too Kenz." I hung up and sighed while putting my phone on the counter. I turned to Colby and forced a smile. "Come here Kenz." He said opening his arms. I walked over to him and flopped onto the spot next to him on the couch and leaned into him. "If you don't want to talk about the kiss we don't have to." Colby said rubbing my shoulders. "No we can. I would've told Kat, but she was stressed and I didn't want to flood her with 100 different emotions...especially while tipsy." I explained to him. "No it's okay, I get it." He said, but I could hear the relief in his voice. "I really really like you Colbs, and let's be honest that kiss was a long time coming." I laughed. "We have tried to kiss a lot...and always got interrupted." He said letting out a chuckle. "Honestly we should've kissed and got it over with the second you came out of that box at Kian and Jc's" I said as we both laughed. It was true, we had a connection since day 1. "Here let me get you some sweats and a t-shirt." He said getting up and walking to his room. I sat there on his couch with the biggest smile on my face. I texted Devin and Kat saying that I had so much to tell them tomorrow. Colby walked back out, "It might all be a little big but I got the smallest sweats I had." He said throwing them at me. I caught it all before it hit my face and went to his bathroom to change. I came out and stood in front of him, "Remember when you wore my sweats and they were too small?" I asked laughing. "They were too small in every way possible." He said letting out a chuckle. "Let's go lay down, it's been a long night." I nodded and reached out for his hand and lead him to his room. "Oh hey by the way I didn't tell you but tomorrow I have to go look at a house with the boys." He said. "You're moving?" I asked and he nodded. "Okay." I said as I flopped on his bead. "Kat's coming if you want to." He asked as he laid next to me. "Sure why not."

      "Hey Kenz...Kenz...Kenz...KENZIE OMG WAKE UP!" I heard. I opened my eyes slowly to see Sam and Colby dramatically shaking me. "Hi Sam." I said rolling over, "Wait..why are you here." I asked rolling back over to face him. "We're all going to drive up there together." Sam said. I groaned as I had that really good when you first wake up stretch. Colby laughed at me. I got up and looked at the boys,  "I need clothes." I said pulling on the baggy sweatpants hanging off my hips. "That is why I'm here." Kat said coming into view with jeans and a shirt in hand. She pulled me into a hug then handed me the clothes when she pulled away. "Okay give her some privacy boys." She said leading them out. She stayed in the room with me as I changed. She had picked out a pair of oversized jean with flames painted on the bottom, then an off white cropped tank top. I put it on and checked myself out in Colby's mirror as I fixed my hair, not worrying about makeup or anything. I turned to Kat, "I love that you know my style." I said as I sat next to her. "So what were you and Colby actually doing last night?" She asked with raised eyebrows. "What?" I asked as I looked at her with wide eyes. "You hesitated before you said that you guys were,  and I quote, uhhh talking." She said air quoting what I said. "Okay fine, so last night after everything happened I told Colby everything and just as Sam called him, we were about to kiss, which happens a lot when we go in to kiss. And this time he decided to kiss me instead of answer his phone." I said and prepared for the loud squeal she let out. "KAT HUSH." I said as I jumped on her putting my hand on her mouth. "What the hell was th- Kat are you cheating on me?" Sam fake cried as he walked in. We all laughed. "Okay, we should get going." I said walking passed Sam. "I'll drive." I said taking the keys from Colby. "Oh no." 

     I pulled out of the apartment parking lot and had Colby look up the address for me. I listened to the lady as I drove down the road. We started blaring music as we drove. Colby reached over and put his arm on the middle console I looked over to him and playfully rolled my eyes as I grabbed his hand. Hearing Kat and Sam both squeal. "You guys are annoying." I laughed and I let go of Colby's hand to make a sharp turn I almost forgot. "Oh my God...Kenz pull over I'm driving." Colby said dramatically holding on to the dashboard. "Oh be quiet you big baby." I said grabbing his hand again. We eventually got to the house. I looked at how big and luxurious it was, "Holy shit." I breathed out. We all got out, "You forgot to turn the car off." Colby laughed pulling the keys out of the ignition. We walked up to the door and met Corey and Jake who had Tara with him. "Damn I'm the only single one." Corey laughed. "Hey, me and Colbs aren't dating." I said putting my hands up. "Please you guys are practically married." We all laughed as Corey went into the house. The boys really liked it and decided to make it the new trap house. "I guess tomorrow is moving day." Colby said as we all got back in the car. 

OMG hello everyone...I haven't updated in so long, I don't even have an excuse because of quarantine...I just actually have kept pushing it off and I wanted to write today. Also I'm thinking of making a jj fanfic from outer banks. So tell me if I should!! Okay I promise to update more good night. 

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