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        Kenzie and they guys were laying around the room all relaxing before continuing the eventful night ahead of them. As they were laying there a loud crash was heard from the water closet in the room, causing everyone to jump up. 

"What the fuck was that?"  Corey asked jumping up from his spot, Sam following closely behind. 

      Sam began to explain and document the events on his phone with Corey, while Jake, Kenzie, and Colby all laid on the bed. Sam and Corey went outside and made the observation of the sound not coming from a human. 

"No way." Colby said from his spot on the bed. 

"You heard that too right?" Sam asked Jake, who seemed to be paying no mind to the events. 

"Yeah, how couldn't I? It was loud as shit." Jake said rolling over. 

      Colby began to rise out of the bed as Sam and Corey were still investigating the slam noise that came from the closet, which just so happened to reoccur, however, it was louder this time. 

       Colby, Corey, and Sam were talking about the noise to the camera, as Jake and Kenzie were both still in the bed. Jake was simply just tired, as Kenzie's mind had gotten the best of her. 

      Kenzie always had issues with over thinking about the men she liked, for some reason that overthinking began to hit Kenzie about Colby. He had given her no reason for her to overthink, she had just realized the extent of her feelings towards him. Kenzie's past relationships caused her to be frightened when she began to fall for someone knew. Colby showed her that he only had interest in her, and she loved that but it made her fall faster than ever before. While thinking about this Kenzie began to wonder, what if he was just love bombing her? What if his intention was to just up and leave like every other boyfriend in her past had done? 

       Kenzie had began this thought on the way to Target, and when they got back, everyone noticed her mood shift, especially Colby. While laying on the bed Colby had tried to hold her hand, to which she reacted by getting out of the bed, going to the bathroom, and coming back and laid back down facing away from Colby. This had broken a bit of Colby, and left him wondering if he had done something wrong. He too was beginning to notice how hard he was falling for the girl. 

      Corey came and sat on the bed next to Kenzie while Sam and Colby went into the bathroom. 

"Kenz, you good? Your whole mood has shifted since getting back." Corey asked patting her shin. 

"I'm fine, just you know...self sabotaging." Kenzie chuckled awkwardly. 

"Self sabotaging what? You and Colby?" 

      Kenzie didn't answer, instead she just nodded as Sam and Colby returned with the camera facing the bed. Kenzie put on a facade and seemed like her "normal" and happy self in front of the camera. As the guys returned they claimed to hear a thud coming from the bed and asked if it was Jake or Kenzie to which they both replied with a no. Sam went on to tell the camera that they had a speaker and would play around with eh spirit box later. 

      As Sam was talking to the camera, Colby took off his shirt and pants leaving him in his Calvin Klein underwear causing Kenzie to not just stare, but caused her breath to hitch in her throat. 

"Colby's naked." Corey said, while laughing. 

      Colby then climbed into the bed next to Kenzie, causing her to scoot over. Seeing him like this was going to break her, and at the moment all she wanted to do was protect herself from getting hurt. She couldn't take anymore cracks in her heart. 

"Wait we're on the top floor...there's no one above us." Corey began, pulling Kenzie out of her trance she had put herself in with her thoughts. "Y'all heard the booms about us...there is no one above us. How is no one else scared right now." 

      Sam brought up how the building had a lot of construction work going on and said possibly someone could just be on the roof. However, that did not explain the slams in the closet. 

"If that happens tonight, I'll be scared." Colby said. 

       Kenzie and the guys decided to nap before it got dark, seeing as they would be up all night. Colby wrapped an arm around Kenzie as she pretended to be asleep, however, she was more concerned with trying to stop the tears from coming out of her eyes than she was with Colby knowing if she was actually asleep or not. 

      Colby pressed a warm kiss to the temple on Kenzie's head as he whispered, "I don't know what I did, but please forgive me baby. I can't stand the thought of you not talking to me. It's breaking me Kenz." 

      Colby then laid back down, and Kenzie could no longer stop the tears. They leaked from her eyes and poured onto her cheeks. She laid there quietly, careful not to make a sound or movement while she let the tears roll down. All she could think of replying back was that it was breaking her too, but she chose to remain silent as she let the tears carry her to sleep. 



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