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     While the group was about to begin the seance, Corey and Colby witnessed the blanket on the bed move. This played a domino effect in Corey no longer wanting to do the seance, due to him having a bad feeling. The guys begged him to stay in the room, which Corey eventually caved too. Sam then pointed out that the water had began rippling. Also before starting, a noise was heard in the closet. 

      Colby, Kenzie, Sam, and Jake joined hands as they began the seance. The group began to ask questions, to which they received no answer. Sam asked Corey to open a door due to Lucy the ghost messing with doors. 

      The guys eventually convinced Corey to join the seance, which he only agreed to due to the salt circle. Colby began telling the spirit that there was nothing to be scared of and that the group wanted to witness something. After finishing his sentence, one of the flames seemed to go out for a second and be relit. While discussing this the group heard a knock, everyone got freaked out and let go of each others hands, except for Colby and Kenzie. They were both secretly using this as an excuse to feel one another at least one last time. 

      With hearing more noises, Corey wanted to leave the room completely. However, Sam and Jake did not want to stop the seance. In order to get Corey to stay, they closed the doors to see if that was the only sign they would get. 

       They then moved onto the last question, asked by Corey. The group then heard noises come from the closet causing everyone to jump up in freight. Corey fled the room with Sam hot on his trail. Colby went to check the closet and saw nothing in there. Kenzie was standing frozen in fear, eyes watering, with shaking hands over her mouth. When Colby noticed this he ran to the girl to comfort her, which she accepted due to the circumstances. 

      The whole group followed Corey, as he said he wanted to go outside. Jake was asking why the group was stopping when they "got what they came here for." Jake then ran inside because he began to get cold. Kenzie, Colby, Corey, and Sam began to voice their skepticism because they did not understand why something would happen to them and not any of the staff members. Then the camera died. 

      The group then began to record on Corey's iPhone. That was when Colby had a realization, that possibly they were just haunted, and spirits were following the group. This theory stemmed from the fact that something happened everywhere they went. That was until Jake came back to the group. 

"We have to be quiet." Jake said approaching. 

"Why? What happened?" Sam asked. 

"The front desk guy just said that people were complaining on our floor. And get this, he said that he heard people talking and random noises." Jake explained. 

"Wait like did they complain about us specifically or just the floor?" Kenzie questioned. 

"He said you people are the ones that are making random noises and talking." Jake further explained. "What if they heard what we heard?"

"Alright, I wanna go upstairs and get another battery but we gotta be quiet. Maybe we talk about this in the morning. I don't know." Sam suggested. 

"Next time a noise is made we can't run out the door because we're gonna get kicked out." Jake said causing Kenzie to chuckle. 

The group got back into their room, and Colby further explained his theory of the group being haunted more so than the places. After a bit of discussion, the group agreed to just sleep for the night. 

"We can meet like Jennifer for breakfast or something." Colby suggested. 

      This suggestion caused all the pain to come rushing back to Kenzie. Why was Colby so obsessed with meeting this girl again in the morning, he could just text her if he wanted to keep talking to her? Kenzie felt like she had come down from a high that lasted months with this guy. Now, she felt like she was at rock bottom. Kenzie moved from the bed that she was sitting on with Colby and Jake onto the chair by the couch, getting ready to sleep the pain away.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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