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       I woke up in the pool with the rest of the girls, I was the only one up. Tara and Chelsey we're still asleep. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 7:30 in the morning, I went through Instagram and posted a boomerang on my story of the girls sleeping then the sun. Chelsey was the next to wake up. She looked right at me, "What time is it?" She asked with a groggy voice. "It's 7:30." I said putting my phone down and laying my head back on the pillow. Tara woke up, "I'm never sleeping outside again. I'm so tired." She said sitting up. I sat up also. "You want to go inside?" Chelsey asked. I nodded and we started rowing the boat back the the concrete. We all got out and got everything, "Chels, where do you want all these blankets?" Tara asked. "Just put them on my bed." She said leading us to her room. "Jc's an early riser, so I doubt he'll be in here." She said opening the door to an empty bedroom. We brought all the blankets in and sat them neatly on her bed. We went back and put all of the snacks on Chelsey and Jc's shelf in the cupboard. I looked at my phone and saw a message from Colby.

From Colbs: You wanna meet for breakfast at 9:30?

From Kenz: Sure  

        I turned my phone off and looked at the girls, who were already looking at me with smug looks on their faces. "What?" I asked. The laughed, "Colby text you?" Tara asked. "Yeah, you only smile and blush at your phone when it's Colby." Chelsey said. I rolled my eyes. "He asked me to breakfast. So I have to go." I said hugging them. "I didn't drive, so Tara wanna take me home?" I asked. She sighed and nodded grabbing her keys and hugging Chelsey. 

        We drove to my house so I could get ready. "So are you and Colby, like talking now or something?" She asked as she pulled out. "No. We're just good friends." I said putting my head on the window. "Friends with benefits." She muttered. "NO TARA!" I yelled making her laugh, "I'm joking. I'm joking." I rolled my eyes at her playfully. "Can I help you get ready?" She asked as we pulled into my apartment's parking garage. "I'm just going to wear something casual." I told her getting out. We walked up to my house. And I opened the door. I went to my closet as she sat down on the couch. I picked out a cropped baby blue cami top and high waisted leggings. I walked out and put my Birkenstocks on. "You're wearing that?" Tara asked. I nodded. "You wear that to workout, not on a date." I rolled my eyes. "It isn't a date." I said closing my door leaving her inside. I went to my car with my wallet and keys. Colby said he wanted to meet at Blu Jam Cafe. 

         I drove there listening to music. I pulled up and saw his red corolla sitting there. I got out and walked inside and saw him sitting at a table. He saw me and stood up. He pulled me into a hug, "Hey." I said hugging him back. We sat down and we both ordered water. I ordered egg whites and a cup of fruit and Colby ordered crunchy french toast. "So what are doing the rest of the week?" Colby asked. I thought about it. "I'm filming with Chelsey later today and that's about it." I told him. He nodded, "Well Jake, Sam, Corey and I are heading to Kansas tomorrow for a series if you want to come with us." I almost spit the water I was drinking out. "I don't do scary things." I said shaking my head. "Come on, I'll be there to make sure you're okay." He gave me puppy dog eyes. I sighed, "I don't want to do any satanic worshiping shit." I said. He laughed, "We won't okay." He said holding out his pinkie to me. I smiled. "Fine." I said lacing our pinkies together. He smiled. 

        The waiter brought out our food and we ate and talked. After that Chelsey texted to ask what time we were filming. I told her in another hour. "Who are you texting?" Colby asked as he walked over to my car. "Chelsey." I answered as I opened my door and stared my car, and turned on the AC. "What are you guys filming?" He asked tapping his rings on the top on my car. "A Q and A. You can come over if you want and watch." I shrugged. "If you want." He shrugged. I nodded, "It's up to you." He nodded and we both got in our cars. He followed me to my house. 

      We were wrestling when we heard a knock at my door. I got up laughing, I opened the door and saw Chelsey standing there. "Hey," she said hugging me. I hugged her back. She walked into my living room and saw Colby sitting there. She saw both of our messy hair and gasped. "YOU GUYS DID IT!" She yelled making throw up noises. I made them too. "NO, NO, NO. WE WERE WRESTLING!" I yelled back. We sat on the couch and just talked for a minute. "Okay, I'm going to go get my camera and lights." I said standing up and going to my filming room. I heard them laughing, which made me smile. My two best friends like each other. I grabbed my camera, tripod, and ring light. I went back to the living room and set everything up. I already tweeted asking people to ask us questions. "Okay, are you ready Chels?" I asked. She nodded. "Colby do you want to sit behind the camera?" I asked sitting down next to Chelsey. He moved behind the camera and started the video.

        "Hey guys, welcome or welcome back to my channel. Today I am here with Chelsey." I motioned over to her, "Hey guys." I grabbed my phone and put my password in. "Today we are going to be doing a Q&A. So I tweeted and asked you guys to send some questions, and y'all did." I said. "Y'all? What are you from Kansas?" Colby teased. I rolled my eyes and threw my pillow at him. We started laughing. "Anyway, Chels, do you want to start or I can." I looked over at her, "I will." She scrolled through the tweets and found one. "Would you let Chelsey dye your hair?" She asked laughing. I thought about it for a second and then laughed, "Yeah, probably." Her face lit up, "Oh my God. Can I?" She asked. I shrugged while laughing, "Sure." 

       We decided to go ahead and do it so I could finish the video with dyed hair. We went to the store to pick out a color, and Colby filmed it for us. "What color do you guys think?" I asked Colby and Chelsey. "Well I think you look great in blue, so I say blue." Chelsey said looking at all the blue colors. "We could match." Colby said flipping the camera on him. "I want a lighter blue. Like Kat's." I said. We found a light blue and I picked it up and we checked out. 

      We got back to my place and I sat in a chair while Chelsey got the dye ready, "I don't want my roots done." I told her. "Okay, but you might want to take your shirt off, so you don't get dye on it." I glanced towards Colby then sighed. I went to my room to throw on a sports bra. I went back out. "Okay, I'm ready." I did a runway walk as I came out towards the camera. Colby laughed. We started the dying process. I rinsed my hair out in the sink then wrapped it in a towel and waited for it to dry. We set the camera back up and I started talking. "Okay so she just dyed my hair. Now here's what it looks like." I said unwrapping my hair. We blow dried it then put it back in the towel so it was more dramatic. It looked just like Kat's and I actually liked it. 

      We asked more questions, "Okay Chel. This is your last one, so make it juicy." I said rubbing my hands together and licking my lips. "Okay. Do you believe that there is a person for everybody?" My smile faded instantly and I glanced towards Colby. "In all honesty no. I think sometimes you meet people and fall in love, but I don't think that there is only one person specifically out there for only you. I think in my case specifically there isn't someone that was put here for me if the whole thing is true." I said. Colby was looking anywhere but me and Chelsey looked sad. "I think you and Jc are meant to be together, I think for some people they have their soulmate, but just basically not everyone. Like there are some people who just don't find anyone attractive or want to date anyone." I said trying to explain a little better. Chelsey nodded and we finished up the video. She went home, and I lied down on the couch. Colby picked up my head then sat down and put it in his lap. "You really don't believe there's someone out there?" He asked. I shrugged, "I don't know. It's hard to explain." I told him. He nodded, "Well you better pack for Kansas. I'll pick you up in the morning. I have to go home and pack to." He said. "Oh shit." I got up and ran to pack. "I'll see you tomorrow Colby." He laughed and let himself out.

So that was that. I'm going to do the Origin videos with Kenzie in them because why not. And I want to. Sorry if this chapter was weird, but I had to do it and you'll see why.   Also school starts in another week and a half so updating may be a little slower. Also I  am busy the rest of the week with my school schedule and don't know how much I can edit. Sorry. I'm also too tired to look this over so there may be some mistakes sorry. Oh frick, I have a book to read in one week, and I just remembered, OOPS. We hate adv English.

Young Love (C.B)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt