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         I woke up in my bed, I'm not quite sure how I got here though. Wait, why was I in Colby's sweatshirt? I got out of bed, I was still in my jeans, so I know someone brought me back here. I thought back to last night. I went on a picnic with Colby, went back to Chelsey's, then I fell asleep. So someone who was there must have taken me home. I walked to my closet, since it was the 4th of July, I decided on an "All American Bitch." cropped tank top I got from dollskill. I put ripped mom jeans, and my black and white Nike Air force ones. I grabbed a black belt and got in the shower. I put a playlist on shuffle and took my time in the shower.

       I got out of the shower and carried my shoes and socks into the kitchen. I put them by my small dining table. I went to the fridge and got blueberries, strawberries, and almond milk and I made a smoothie. I was pouring the smoothie into a cup when I heard my start to ring. I went and saw Colby was calling me. 

"Hey." I said putting the phone on speaker.

"Hey. I just wanted to let you know, I brought you home last night, in case you hadn't figured it out, and was wondering." He answered.

"Okay. Thanks. I was wondering how I got home." I said laughing. 

He laughed too, "Hey, umm, the whole house, Kat, Tori, Tara, Elton, and Ginger are going to watch fire works if you wanna come." He sounded nervous. 

"I mean, I would, but, I only know you, Sam, Tara and Jake, and you all seem really close." I said, I wanted to go, but, I didn't want to intrude. 

"Kenz, they all know you, and I want you to come. It'll be fun." He said. 

"I don't know Colby, what if I make it awkward?" I asked.

"You won't. They all want to meet you." He tried convincing me again.

"You aren't here to pinkie promise." I said teasingly. 

        He hung up on me, which made me upset. I texted him 

Kenz: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.

        He never answered. I drank my smoothie sadly. I put my socks on, and got on my computer to watch reruns of 'Friends'. It happened to be one of my favorite shows, it started to cheer me up. After an episode of 'Friends' I heard a knock at my door. I didn't feel like dealing with anyone so I ignored it. I heard more knocking and groaned. I got up and opened the door and there he was. Colby was standing there with his pinkie out, "Pinkie promise." He smirked. Now I really had to go, I laughed and looped our pinkies together. He pulled me in by our pinkies and hugged me. "You are the worlds most cheesy guy." I told him wrapping my arms around his neck. "And you're the worlds most cheesy girl, so we're perfect." He said, making me blush and laugh. 

        He came in my house and closed the door, "We're leaving around 6, to get there by 8." I groaned, "It's a 2 hour drive?" I asked flopping onto the couch. He picked my feet up then sat down and put them on his lap, "Yes, but I'll be there to keep you company." He said lightly smacking my legs. "We are riding with Sam and Kat by the way." He told me smiling over at me. I knew Sam, but not Kat, personally. 

      It was now 6:00 P.M, "You ready?" Colby asked after I put my shoes on and stood up. I reluctantly nodded. "What if they don't like me?" I didn't know why I wanted their approval so bad. "They're going to love you." He said walking over to me rubbing my arms. There was a knock on the door. "That's probably them." I said walking to the door. I waited for Colby to answer it. He looked at me and sighed then laughed. He put his hand on the door knob. I smacked his hand. "What the hell?" He asked, "Look through the peep hole first. You never know who it is." I told him. He rolled his eyes and laughed. He looked through the peep hole, "Happy?" He asked opening the door, "Very." 

        The door opened and Sam was there with something in his hand and Kat. "Hey, man I brought that sweatshirt." Sam said handing Colby a white sweatshirt with stripes on one sleeve and stars on the other. "Hi I'm Katrina. Call me Kat." The girl said shaking my hand. "I'm Kenzie. It's nice to meet you." I smiled at her. "Alright. Let's go." Sam said taking Kat's hand. I turned towards Colby, seeing him with the sweatshirt on and a red bandanna. He handed me another red bandanna. I took it and tied it around my thigh. I smiled at him and we left the house.

         Sam and Kat sat up front, while Colby and I sat in the back. We started playing music and it was fun, but I got tired, I slept a lot. I started to drift off but I felt Colby pull me into him. "Aww." I heard Kat say, "Shut up." Colby said, by the sound of his voice, you could tell he was embarrassed. I decided to tease him a little, and cuddled with him more. 

        "Wake up." Colby was saying lightly, shaking me. I woke up, he was fixing my hair for me. "You wanna watch the fireworks?" Colby asked I nodded and we got out of the car. There was a rock on the water and I pointed at it to tell Colby that's where I wanted to sit. "You wanna meet the others first?" I didn't nod, but I didn't shake my head either. I just stood there. Colby grabbed both of my hands. "Come on, they're going to like you." I sighed and looked him in the eyes, "How do you know they will?" I asked. "Because I like you." I smiled then nodded. He rubbed my knuckles with his thumbs reassuringly. We walked over to them all together. I held onto his arm, which was pretty muscular. "Guys, this is Kenzie." He introduced me to everyone. They all introduced themselves, I kicked it off with all of them, "So you're the girl Colby won't stop talking about." Devyn said. I laughed, "I suppose so." 

         Devyn, Kat and I planned a shopping trip next weekend. Colby grabbed my hand and led me to the rock I pointed out earlier. There were blankets and pillows on it. I sat down and picked one of the blankets up. He sat down too and I threw the blanket over both of us. He laughed when I couldn't get it around him and picked it up and put it on him. 

          The fireworks started and I got my phone and posted a picture of our feet and a firework on my Instagram story. We watched the fireworks in awe. They were so amazing. "Indiana doesn't have fireworks like these." I said still staring at the sky, waiting for the next one. "Yeah, I don't get views like these a lot either." He said. I laid my head on his shoulder. After about 20 minutes the fireworks stopped and we packed everything up. We put it all in the car and said bye to everyone. Sam and Kat got in the car and Colby and I got in not too long after. 

        Kat played music and I sang into my water bottle, feeling more comfortable around the three. Colby took a picture of me with flash on which blinded me so I closed my eyes still singing. I opened them and saw him smiling at the picture. The song stopped and my favorite song came on 'Blue Bills' by F$O Dinero. I knew every word and didn't miss any. Kat and Colby were both recording at times and I put on a show for the cameras. 

         We got to my apartment a couple hours later, Colby walked me into my apartment room.  "Are you happy I came?" I asked him standing by my door. "Very." He smiled at me, I smiled back. My phone went off as we were smiling at each other. Devyn had sent me two pictures. one of Colby and I sitting looking at the fireworks, and the other of me watching the fireworks and him looking at me. He looked at my phone and smiled. "Send those to me." I nodded, "I will later." I told him. "Wait, what's that?" He said pointing by my door. On my front mat was a bag with a note on it. 

"Here's your stuff love -Chels" 

       "Oh, it's just my stuff from Kian and Jc's." I told him grabbing the bag. He nodded and hugged me. His lips brushed the top of my head. I smiled and let go of him, he waited till I closed my door then left. I smiled thinking about the nights we've been spending together.

Hey guys, so I decided I wanted to make a 4th if July chapter, and people who read this later, it wont effect them. But I hope y'all enjoyed. 

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