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      It was now 8 P.M. which is when Sam's party starts, well...started. We made it down to Colby's car and we drove to his place. We got out of the car and Colby and I walked very close to each other and our hands kept brushing against each other. We made it to Sam's room and knocked on the door. "Finally! Where were you guys?" Sam asked. "We lost track of time." I said walking in. "OOOOO." I heard Mike call. "NOT LIKE THAT YA NASTY." I said running over to him as we fake wrestled. Colby came over and said hi to Mike. I saw Chels and tapped Colby and mentioned for him to bend down so he could hear me. He wrapped his arm around me and bent down to me. "I'm going to go say hi to Chels if you're cool with it." I said to Colby. "You don't need to ask me if you can go talk to someone." Colby said laughing. "Okay, sorry." I told him. He just laughed and kissed my head, "I'll find you later okay?" I nodded and walked over to Chels.

     "Hey girl!" Chels yelled over to me. "Hey!" I said hugging her. "So how are you and Colby?" She asked smirking. "I mean we aren't dating, but we're good." I said smiling. "Well that's good. Is he your Valentine?" I shook my head, "No, well I dont think so at least. We never talked about it." I shrugged. "Well...it would be your first one since-" I cut her off. "I know...and I think that's why I'm so scared." I admitted. "Well I can already tell you that Colby's better than him." I nodded, "I know."

      I looked around and saw a tan, dark haired girl all over Colby. "Hey Chels...do you know who that is?" I asked pointing over to them. "No...Kenz are you okay?" I nodded. I walked away. I ran to Kat, "Hey do you know who that is all over Colby?" I asked. She looked over and nodded, "That's Kaelyn Gutierrez, Devin's friend. Are you okay?" I nodded, "Yeah, I just need some air." I walked out. I was sitting at the gazebo. "Did that remind you of something?" I turned around and saw him. "Or maybe someone? Hello babygirl." I almost cried right there. I hadn't seen him in person since Valentines Day 2 years ago. "Why are you here?" I asked him. "I saw the posts of you and the new one...don't think I didn't keep an eye on you." I shook as a chill went down my spine. I looked over and saw Chels at the door, I looked at her and motioned my head back to the room of people. I know she'd go get help. "I told you, to stay the hell away from me." I said, trying not to let my fear show. "I didn't listen to you a lot when we were together either." He laughed. "KENZ!" I heard Colby yell, "Here comes the new boyfriend." I looked over and saw Colby running towards me. "Is there a problem here?" He asked wrapping an arm around my waist. "No." Colby looked over at him, "And who are you?" He asked. "Oh Kenz here hasn't told you about me?" Colby looked down at me "huh?" I shook my head. "Don't call me that." I said. "Go ahead Kenz tell him who I am." I grabbed Colby as he walked closer to us. I hid my face in Colby's side, my fear was way more than noticeable at this point. "Can we please leave?" I whispered to Colby. "Kenz...tell him who I am." He was getting closer and closer. I noticed Colby had grabbed my pepper spray. I usually bring it everywhere, and didn't grab it. I reached in Colby's back pocket and grabbed it, I unlocked it then turned, he was right in front of me and Colby, he could reach out and grab me. I sprayed his eyes and grabbed Colby's hand and pulled him out of the party. He stopped running when we got into the crowd, "What was that? Who was that?" I looked around, "I'll tell you in the car, just please take me home." I asked him, almost crying. He nodded and we ran to his car, and got in. As soon as I buckled up Colby took off to my apartment. I put my head in my hands and just cried the rest of the way home. 

      We got to Colby's apartment, "I thought we were going to mine?" I asked, "Well, I don't know who that guy was, but I'm guessing he knew you, and I'm guessing he knows where you live. My house will be safer. You can sleep in my clothes and stay the night if you want." I nodded and got out of the car. I waited for Colby, he walked over and grabbed my hand and lead me into his apartment. We walked in and I laid on his couch. "Can you tell me what happened now?" I nodded while sitting up to face him. "So about 3 years ago I met that guy, his name's John, and I had just gotten out of my relationship with Harrison, and I was broken and I went down a really dark whole. I pushed him, Kian, Jc...all of them...away. I started drinking, and I went out and I would hit on guys so I could get into the bars underage. Now sometimes it didn't work, and one night it didn't, so I kept walking to go to a different one, I went to a really janky one, it was disgusting...along with the people in it. I was able to get in there pretty easily. So I walked in and saw John. He bought me some drinks and invited me back to his place, and I accepted. We didn't do anything. We just talked and we ended up going out, and it was fine...for a few months. Then his mother passed, and he started to.." My voice started breaking as I held back tears. Colby reached over and rubbed my arm. "He started to take his anger out..on me. At first it was verbal, and every now and then, he'd push me or throw things at me, but then after a few weeks, he started punching me...daily and I felt like he needed me, so I stayed with him. Then a few more months in...6 to be exact, we went out, February 14th, 2017, and we went out to a party, and I saw a girl all over him, and then we went to the car and started arguing about it and then he started hitting me, and he pulled a knife out on me, and I ran out of his car to scream for help." I lifted up my shirt to show the cut mark on my left hip. "Before I got out, he cut me." I pulled my shirt back down and looked up to see Colby crying, he hugged me. I hugged back, while sobbing. "That was the last time I saw him, until today. And I saw that Kaelyn girl on you and I like got flashbacks and then he came out and luckily you and Chels were there." I finished while I was in his arms. "Kenz, you don't deserve that. You deserve the world, you have the biggest, purest heart out of everyone in this world. You are the sweetest person in the world. You out everyone before you, you're the funniest person I know, you're true to yourself. There is absolutely no one who deserves you. Especially him. No one deserves to be treated like that. You light up a room with your smile, and personality. You are such a blessing to everyone whose life you touched. You make every ounce of pain in me go away when you're around. You don't judge, you're nice to everyone. You really are the most amazing girl." I smiled at him. "Thank you Colbs." He looked at me, "And as for the Kaelyn thing, She came over and was flirting with me and I told her you were my girlfriend, even though you aren't, I don't know I just wanted to say it I guess, and after I told her that Chelsea came to get me and I left to find you." I looked into his eyes, then at his lips, then his eyes, and his lips again. He put a hand up on my face and we leaned in. Then...his phone rang. "You know what? They can wait." And he pulled me into him, and we finally kissed, and I was no longer scared of John, I know Colby won't let anything happen to me.

Okay guys! Sorry if that was triggering to anyone, I just felt like I had to spice it up a little. And no one should ever be treated like that, and if you are I hope you find help!!<3 but I finally am updating again!! and Thank you all for reading, and voting if u did :)

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