Chapter Eight

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Before the week was over, I told myself that I would call Ember and let her know that I wouldn't be able to make it.

Of course, I didn't follow through.

So here I am on Saturday, headed to the barbecue. Driving up to the Jericho farmstead, I wasn't sure what to expect, but what I saw was a completely different story. I was met by two large iron gates with the initial J on them, but as they opened, I was met with nothing but forest green grass and a winding concrete path. In the front by the gate rested a large stable that I'm sure housed all the fine bred horses that Alyssa had briefly mentioned.

Riding past the stable, I come up to a beautiful two-story home that easily puts mine to shame. Green shutters, large wooden double doors, and so many windows! It was littering with people, some of whom had stopped to see who the newcomer was. I didn't recognize any of the faces from town, which made this all the more terrifying. But I shook off the nerves, parked my car in the circular driveway and walked up to the house with two mixed berry pies in hand.

The front door opened, revealing a smiling Ember who had one hand on her growing belly as she waved at me.

"Hi Aubrey! I'm so glad you came!" She greeted me as I stepped through the doors of her home. It was a farm-style fairytale inside!

I found myself at a loss for words, but somehow I managed to squeak out a greeting back to her.

"Thank you so much for inviting me. You have a beautiful home Mrs.Cresten."

"Oh no sugar, none of that Mrs.Cresten nonsense! Call me Ember. And what do ya have there?"

She pointed to the tinfoil covered dish in my hands.

"Oh, it's just some pies I wanted to bring. I hope it's enough."

"Aren't you the sweetest! Here, let's take this into the kitchen and I'll introduce ya to a few folks."

One thing about Ember Cresten, the woman could TALK. We'd made our way around their vast land, where she'd introduce me to loud uncles, touchy aunties, and cousins who reeked of horse manure. I'd caught Theo giving me the stink eye before running off with his cousins to watch the older kids ride some horses around. Preston was sitting on a brown haired one as it trotted around, it's brown tail swaying back and forth proudly. He spotted me watching and threw up his hand, waving eagerly. Theo, noticing who had his brother's attention, decided to slap the horses' rear end, prompting Preston to hold on for dear life as the horse took off. Their mother laughed at their antics, while I rolled my eyes internally.

This family was full of nutcases.

We eventually settled in some lawn chairs with three of her "friends" from the neighboring town. They seemed nice enough, but I could tell they were curious as to why their friend had invited a complete stranger into their close circle. One of the women, who Ember had introduced as Carla Mills, definitely wasn't shy about prying into who I was. I tried to pay attention to her not-so-subtle questioning, but a certain grey eyed brute was making that rather hard. He was standing by the grill next to an equally well-built man who had a beer in one hand and tongs in the other as he manned the grill. Sporting a white tee and khaki cargos, he looked so at ease with his friends, laughing and joking around. It almost hurt to look away from the handsome man. 

"Quite a sight ain't he?" whispered Shelley, friend of Ember and fellow horse lover.

Blushing at being caught, I gave her a tight smile and took a sip of my wine cooler.

"He's alright."

"Alright?! Honey, that kinda man can never be described as "alright".  If he was any sexier it'd be illegal." laughed their other friend, Sarah Jean.

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