Chapter One

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Four Months Later

"Starting today your name is Aubrey Decker. You were born on February 5, 1994 and have lived in Charlotte, NC your whole life. Your dad was a dentist and your mom was a nurse. You have three older brothers and a younger sister. After graduating and tragic family event, you decided to move and that's when you found the teaching job at Wilmer Edge Elementary. Here is your new birth certificate, license, passport, and a packet with the rest of details of your new identity. You are to tell no one who you are. You cannot contact anyone from your past. If you tell anyone who you are or they discover it on their own we will be forced to relocate you. Do you understand everything that I have told you Miss Evans?"

Nodding, I sat up in the hospital bed and grasped the packet with shaky hands. "Yes, Agent Rover. I understand."

"Good. A nurse will be in momentarily to discharge you and from there we will transport you to the airport where you will board a commercial flight. Please try to act as casual as possible. Once you land, you will be met by an Agent Dixon. We stationed her there right before you began your reconstructive surgery." I perked up slightly at hearing it was a woman. "She was also one of your references on the application we submitted for you to get the job as a teacher. Agent Dixon will be your point of contact should you need anything. She will take you to your new home and coach you through the smaller details of your background story as well."

The nurse came in a few minutes after he left. She came up to me with a few forms to sign and apologized for making me this do this, seeing as my body was still sore and healing from all my surgeries. Yes surgeries, as in more than one. The FBI and Witness Protection wanted to take every precaution to make sure that Rory would never see me again. I had yet to see my face, but I knew that they had taken my small 32A cup to a perky 36C. My hips were wider and they had even given me a rather plump derrière. Rory knew my body like the back of his hand, and since I had been nothing but skin and bone, they figured he wouldn't be looking for the shapely woman that I now was.

They had unwrapped the gauze from my face a few days ago to take my picture for my new documents, but I had asked them not to show me any pictures or have any mirrors lying around. Even the mirror in the bathroom had been taped up.

I wasn't sure why I was dreading looking at my new face. I had even discussed with the plastic surgeon all the changes that I would be comfortable with, but I still couldn't even begin to imagine what I looked like. But I knew I'd eventually need to get it over with and take a glimpse at the face I would have for the rest of my life.

"And that does it." the nurse stated cheerfully as she grabbed the papers from me. "Agent Rover brought a bag with some clothes for you to change in, so I went ahead and put that in the bathroom for you. Are you okay to get up on your own or would you like some help?"

"I'll manage."

She offered me a sad smile and headed out of the room.

Getting off the bed, I held the back of the hideous hospital gown and made my way to the bathroom. Thanks to my new butt, it hardly ever stay closed anymore, making me feel even more self conscious in this gorgeous body.
The clothes in the bag still had the tag on them so I knew they weren't mine. I threw on the cream colored sweater and dark denim jeans as fast as my sore body would let me. Everything fit perfectly, which made me feel slightly creeped out that whoever bought these clothes knew of the body I now possessed.

Bending over slightly to put on the boots, I noticed a blonde wig sticking out of the bag. They had tried to force me to cut or dye my hair but I refused them time and time again. My hair was the only thing I had to remember my mother by. She died when I was 12, and even though we looked nothing alike, we still shared the same fiery red curly hair. Besides the occasion trim, I had never cut my hair, nor did I plan on it any time soon. Of course I understood that Rory could spot my hair from a mile away, but I'd let him take so much from me already. I wasn't willing to give in so the Agents and I finally compromised on a wig. I wasn't sure how I was going to fit hair that was well past my butt under a wig, but I couldn't let Rory McIntosh take anything else I loved.

After an hour or so, I had finally managed to hide my fiery curls under the shoulder length blonde wig, which proved to be rather difficult without a mirror. I began to have an internal battle as I stared at the tape covered glass. Was I truly ready to stare into a mirror and be greeted with an unfamiliar face? Before I could reach for the tape to pull it off, someone knocked on the door.

"Miss Decker? Are you ready?"

I didn't recognize the voice, but I knew it was another agent. There were always so many agents and detectives around.

"Uh yes I'm coming." I squeaked out.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and saw three agents standing in the room. They always had blank expressions on there face so I couldn't tell it they found me flattering or if they could genuinely care less. The one closest to me, who I assumed was the one to knock on the door, handed me a tote with the packet inside and ushered me towards the door quickly. I felt my body protesting with the fast paced movements, but I dared not utter them out loud.

As we stepped outside, a black SUV pulled up right in front of us. Getting in, I noticed four more agents were already inside. Agent Rover was in the back seat beside me.

"Miss Decker we are 15 minutes from the airport. They will prepare to fly out as soon as you board so please have your plane ticket ready." Agent Rover informed me.

Rummaging through the tote, I noticed a new iPhone, along with a few other new gadgets. I eventually found the plane ticket and held it in my lap as the SUV cruised at a normal pace to our destination. A small part of me was itching to pull out the phone and look at myself, but I didn't want to weird the agents out by watching me poke and prod at my new face.

We pulled up to the airport minutes later and Agent Rover was the only one to get out. He pulled two gigantic grey suitcases and a small grey carry-on out of the back and proceeded to walk swiftly to get my bags checked in and get me on the plane. The process took all of ten minutes and before I knew it he was handing me the carry-on and wishing me luck. He told me he had also programmed his number into my new phone in case I needed to contact him directly. Before I could properly thank him for everything, they made a last call for my plane and he gently pushed me towards the gate. Turning back to wave goodbye, I noticed that he had a pained look on his face. Agent Rover and I never spoke freely with one another, but we had always had great amount of respect for each other. He had worked on my fathers security detail before moving to the FBI so I'm sure he felt a small duty to me, seeing as he wasn't there to protect him from that monster.
Offering him a small smile, I nodded at him and made my way to board the plane. It was rather loud and busy when I stepped on. Babies were crying, some people were on the phone, but I found myself somewhat giddy since no one stopped and stared at me as I made my way to my seat. It was by the window, paired with a middle aged business woman who definitely could've cared less who I was. After putting my carry-on in the overhead bin, I quickly take my seat as the pilot announces over the intercom that we are preparing for takeoff. My seat mate pulled out a small compact mirror and a thought pops into my head.

"Excuse me miss, could I borrow that for a second?"

Rolling her eyes, she hands the mirror over to me.

I take a deep breath before looking into the mirror at the woman I've been forced to become. The woman staring back at me is absolutely stunning. She was extremely tanned with startlingly vivid green eyes that were framed by thick lashes. Strikingly prominent cheekbones, elegantly shaped nose, and her rosy lips were so plump and luscious, I couldn't help but reach and touch them. Outside of my eyes, everything was foreign to me. They had even arched my bushy brows and dyed them a neutral brown to go with my blonde wig that actually seem to compliment my new face. Smiling softly, I'm met with a pearly white smile. My two crooked teeth at the bottom had been fixed and stained to shine almost inhumanly white. I started to poke my cheekbones when I'm interrupted by an annoyed cough. Blushing furiously, I quickly offer her a small thanks and hand the women her mirror back.

As the plane begins to take off, I close my eyes and think about everything that could await me in my new life in Quinton Valley, TX.

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