Chapter Three

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A month had passed since I'd moved to Quinton Valley, and I was slowly beginning to fall in love with the charming town. Despite having a population of less than 1,000 people, the town still had so much to offer. They had everything a larger city would have, just with a southern twist. They still owned a drive-in movie theatre instead of a traditional one, a community lake instead of a pool, and a large park in the center of town that housed a large white fountain along with a playground for children. I only lived a few miles outside of town but found myself eager to go when I needed to run by Calvin's, the local supermarket in town. He and his wife, Martha had introduced themselves to me before I could even grab a cart. Or a buggy as they say. I'd also gotten to know Tessa, who worked at the only diner in town, and she'd even offered me a free dessert when Leah and I had dinner there one night. She told me it was to welcome the newest beauty into their little oasis. Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined enjoying such a simple life. And the one thing I enjoyed most, other than my beautiful home, were my pupils. Each of them were so eager to learn that it made my heart swell to think that they were pleased with my teaching style. Theo was still pretty adamant on misbehaving every chance he got, but I was glad that none of the other students were being swayed by his antics.

My thoughts were interrupted as the bell rang, signaling the end of another school day.

"Okay class, please make sure to push in your seats and please line up by the door." I instructed them. Everyone quickly pushed in their seats and rushed to get their bags and stand by the door. "Who's turn is it to lead the line?"

Alice spoke up. "It's mines Ms.Decker!"

I smiled at her and told her to get in the front. We made our way to the Mrs. Fieldman's class. She was in charge of the car riders today.

"Okay Theo, Megan, Jace and Dylan please stay here with Mrs.Fieldman. The rest of you come along."

As we made continued on our way, I heard Mrs.Fieldman already scolding Theo about only God knows what. That boy just couldn't seem to behave.
After making sure all my bus riders got on safely, and wishing the other teachers a great afternoon, I rushed to pack my own things and departed from the school. It was Thursday, which meant drinks with Leah at Tempest Ale House, the only bar in town. After my first week we decided to make this a standing tradition, mainly to help Leah get through the week. She said that teaching high school students would make any sober person run to a bottle.

Making my way inside, I'm hit with the usual smell of beer and cheap cologne. Three other people were inside besides Leah. A couple who sat in a booth by the door and another man sitting at a table in the back of the bar. I'm pretty sure he was asleep.

"Over here Aubrey!" Leah calls out. She's already sitting at the bar, old fashioned in hand.

"Rough day?" I ask quietly as I take a seat beside her.   

She signals for the bartender, David, to get me a drink. He knows my order, seeing as I get the same thing every time. I'd received a funny look when I asked for it out first night coming, probably because no one here ever ordered one, but regardless of that, he made it to perfection.

"Rough doesn't begin to cover it." Leah whined.

Taking a sip of my Cosmo that David sat in front of me, I can't help but feel bad for Leah. It can't be easy secretly being a FBI agent who's forced to sit around immature teens for 8 hours five days a week. "Was it the same guy that burst into class late and knocked over the whole drum set?"

"No, he's still in his arm casts." She sighed. "Today was much much worse. You know Edna Mills the girls' Gym teacher and Cheer coach? Well she was trying to teach the girls how to tumble and ended up breaking both ankles and dislocated her shoulder. Don't ask me how, because I don't know myself. Principal Gibbons asked the guys gym teacher to fill in, but he's making ME take over the cheer squad. I don't know the first thing about cheers or pom poms!"

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