Chapter Six

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"Heads up!"

I'm brought out of my sun soaking daze to a frisbee headed straight at me. Squealing, I ducked out of the chair and onto the sandy ground. We'd only been here for an hour, and I hadn't been able to relax thanks to the teens who had decided to get here before we did. There were seven in total, four boys and three girls, and they were all starting to really get under mine and Leah's skin. Alyssa seemed oblivious to their antics as she continued on reading her novel.
It was hot and sunny Saturday, regardless of it being the middle of September, and Alyssa and Leah had all but forced me to come out of hiding and join them for a fun day at the lake. After my heated dinner with the Sheriff, I had called Leah immediately to tell her what a horrid man he was. Aside from being glad that I didn't give away any details that could've hinted at my identity, she was absolutely livid with the rude Sheriff. She'd even offered to go over and castrate him and have his badge, but I insisted that it was fine and I'd do my best to forget the horrible affair. Alyssa, on the other hand, seemed to think that it was just his own way of showing he actually cared. Clearly, she'd be reading to many exotic romance novels.

Two of the guys ran over to grab their frisbee. One of them looked oddly familiar with his black hair falling just below his ears. I couldn't see his eyes, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same grey ones that I'd come to despise. Beside him was a blue eyed, golden curled boy that must've had all the ladies wrapped around his little adolescent finger.

"Don't you kids have some homework you could be doing?" Leah growled out.

Goldy locks snorted. "Why would we do it today when we could just do it in your class?"

I held Leah back as she reached to snatch the kid by his curly locks. Laughing, he sprinted away back to their group, but the dark-haired kid stayed behind, watching me. Leah slipped out of my grip, grabbed one of her flip flops, and hurried after him.

"You're mine Leo!" She shouted after him.

Ignoring the gazing teen, I dusted off the sand on my sage colored one piece and sat back down on the lounge chair.

"You know, it's a little rude to stare."

I looked up just in time to see his flushed cheeks. "Sorry ma'am. Uncle Lassie said you were a beauty, so I just wanted to see for myself."

Surprised at his bold words, I struggle for a comeback when I hear Alyssa to the right of me in a fit of giggles. I'd completely forgotten she was still here.

"Well, I'd say you have an admirer Aubrey. Wouldn't you agree Preston?" She taunted.

Preston laughed.

"Oh, I'd say it was much more than that ma'am. I've never seen him get so upset. But he's not the kinda man that gets rejected. I reckon you know what I mean."

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean. I can't see at all why any woman would find your brute of any uncle charming or attractive." I replied hotly.

"Well, I figured you'd be the type ma'am, seeing as how you invited him to dinner and all."

His greys twinkled with humor and I couldn't decide if I liked the forward boy or not. He did have me wondering if this was how Atlas was as a teen before becoming so brooding and serious. By the way he described himself at dinner, it seemed only fair to deduce that something had happened in his life to make him so mean and untrustworthy. Not that I could blame him for not trusting me. My entire life here was a lie.
Thankfully Leah returned before I had to endure another minute of this awkward conversation. She held up the frisbee that had almost knocked me across the forehead.

"Who wants to play?"

Hopping up, I grab the frisbee from her as we leave Alyssa and little Atlas Jr behind to go find an open spot on the grass, only to end up near the walking trail. Throwing the frisbee back and forth, I can't help but breath in the fresh air and finally feel somewhat relaxed doing the mundane task. Finally feeling at peace, I'm ready to put any and everything to do with Atlas Jericho behind me.

Leah throws the frisbee a little too far and as I jog to get it, I feel myself being knocked over by two very large, furry beasts. Giggling, I'm met with several hello kisses in the form of licks to the cheek. Looking over my attackers, I recognize them as golden retrievers. Once was a golden brown, whereas the other was as white as snow, much to my surprise. I had never seen a white golden retriever in my life, but either way they were extremely lovable and insanely adorable.

"Phantom! Milo!" A deep voice calls out to them.

I freeze, knowing all too well who that husky drawl belonged to.

Standing up, I meet his cool grey stare as his dogs run back to their master, eager to please. Sporting a black singlet and white gym shorts, I find it hard to keep my eyes from roaming up and down his tattooed arms. He was covered in a fresh layer of sweat and his black hair was pulled back in small ponytail. As always, he looked disrespectfully delicious. Despite my initial feeling of him when the day had started, I couldn't help but be a tad happy to see him. Clearly we weren't in the best of terms, especially with him thinking I'm some kind of harlot, but I wasn't used to being angry at someone like this.

"Hi Sheriff." I greet him softly.

He nods a hello and bends down to pet his dogs, ignoring my staring.

"Your dogs are really sweet. How old are they?"

Why was I still trying to talk to him?!

He looked at me a moment before answering. "Phantom's three and Milo will be two in November."

Phantom starts running around me in circles before I bend down to start petting him again. Atlas is watching me closely and I feel his hot gaze wash over my bathing suit clad body. Looking up to meet his gaze, I allow my expression to soften and catch a hint of surprise before he looks away. He spots his nephew who's waving him over and bids me goodbye with another dry nod.


His steps falter before he stops mid-stride.

"I-I just wanted to apologize for last Friday. I had no intention of leading you on, I just really wanted to offer my thanks to you for helping me out with those guys at the fair. I was in a really bad relationship before I moved here, and I guess I'm still working through that." I knew I'd let too much slip out, but I couldn't bring myself to keep this much animosity between us. Especially since he had gotten the wrong kind of impression of me.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for what I said. Have a great day Ms. Decker." And with that he walks off, Phantom and Milo right on his heels.

Well, that went great.

Sweet DarlingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora