Blinking rapidly, I tried to absorb all the information Leah had thrown at me.

College besties? Got it.

Living off dead grannys money? Check.

Brand new house and car? Merry Christmas to me.

Teaching 3rd grade? Piece of cake.


"I know it's a lot to take in, but we have the whole weekend to work on it. And don't hesitate to ask any questions! I'm not as scary and strict as Lewis." She laughed.

I frowned at her slightly. "Lewis?"

"Tall guy? He's got a bald head and big ears? Never smiles and always looks like he's got a stick stuck in the wrong end?"

I find myself blushing at her words.

"You mean Agent Rover?"

"Please tell me he doesn't make yah call him that? That no good son of a.." Leah proceeds to drown on and on about how uptight and bland Agent Rover, AKA Lewis is and I find myself both amused and astonished at the brash words she used to describe him.
Eventually she calms down and finishes telling me more about who everyone believes Aubrey Decker to be. I'm glad to know that she's kept her fake stories to me at a minimum and described me as a well educated woman who was kind and spent a lot of time reading and hanging with friends.  Also, that I was an amazing teacher who couldn't wait to expand the minds of the young pupils who would soon be under her tutelage. Leah mentioned there only being about eleven students in the class, but I didn't mind that at all. I would be able to form a bond with each student and hopefully immerse myself in my work so much that I would forget all about my dark past.

"So is everything they say about Rory true? About what he did to yer father?" Leah asked hesitantly.

I cringe internally at her question and close my eyes tightly as I'm immediately assaulted with the mental images of what that ungodly man had done to my father.

"If you've heard it then it's true." I mutter dryly before slightly turning towards the window and watching the trees pass by. I hadn't even noticed how the buildings had been replaced with tall oak trees and the sun had begun to set.

Leah apologized for prying and offered her condolences for my loss. I wasn't upset with her, any sane person would've been curious to know if the news reports had been accurate. She then kept informing me of everything I'd need to know about the town that was to be my new home. I probably should've tried to be more attentive, but between the smooth ride and the sound of her soft voice, I soon found myself dozing off.

Hours later, I'm awoken by a slight nudge on my shoulder.

"Hey hun, we've made it."

Prying my eyes open, I notice Leah has gotten out and is standing on my side. I sat up quickly and took in the view behind her, immediately falling in love with the two story farm style ranch sitting right in front of me. It was white with tan brown shutters and a wrap around porch that was furnished with a bench and two rocking chairs. I hopped out of the car and made my way up the steps eager to view the inside of this extravagant home.

"Well I take it yah like the house." giggled Leah.

Turning toward her, I spot the grey Grand Jeep Cherokee that was now mine as well. I'm wasn't one for materialistic things, but after having been stripped from my family home and stuck in hospital after hospital for three months, I was happy to call these things my own.

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