1 - A Long Couple Of Months

Comenzar desde el principio

     As they turned into the hallway that led to the gym, Misaki finally let go of his arm. Oikawa immediately held it, mumbling under his breath. When she looked at him and saw his pouty expression, she immediately rolled her eyes. 'What a drama queen.'

      She took a deep breath, placing a hand on her chest to calm herself down. She turned towards him, with a surprisingly calm look. Oikawa took a step backwards, wary and also fearful of the expression on her face.

      "Go inside," She motioned towards the doors at the end of the hallway. "And do what you always do. I believe in you."

      It was the same line he used in matches to motivate the team and it worked without fail, every time. With the change in his expression, Misaki knew that he took her seriously. With a scheming look on his face, Oikawa walked ahead. She trailed behind him, watching him walk with an analytical gaze.

      'Even his walk has to be perfect?' Misaki thought, feeling slightly angry. 'How annoying.'

      The door to the gym opened and Misaki winced at the excited noise that erupted as Oikawa stepped inside. It was mainly from his fangirls, every single one of whom she felt like smacking with a volleyball. She was on the verge of getting them banned from the gym.

      She offered a small wave towards the members of her team. A glance around the upper floors of the gym told her quite a few people were watching the match. She glanced around once more, but this time at the Karasuno team. The only familiar face she knew was Kageyama; the rest were completely unfamiliar, although she immediately recognized the captain. The short, orange-haired player triggered her curiosity though.

      'Is he a libero?' Misaki thought as she stood next to the bench. 'He looks only a little taller than me. But why do I feel like that's not right?'

      "Oh, you're back, Oikawa," Coach Irihita said, looking up at the tall setter. "How's your leg?"

      Oikawa dropped the scheming look off his face, giving the coach a thumbs-up. "It's perfect. I can get back to normal training. It was just a strain."

      At that, Misaki rolled her eyes. 'What a liar.'

      The coach looked at him, letting out an annoyed sigh. "Take better care of yourself. We asked especially for Kageyama, yet we only have a substitute setter. Don't embarrass me."

      "Sorry, sir," Oikawa apologised, with one of his annoying smiles.

      "Oikawa-san! Take it easy!" A group of his fangirls yelled down from the balcony. Misaki immediately snapped her attention towards them, sending them a glare. They quietened instantly, scrambling to take a backwards step.

      Oikawa carried out a short conversation with his team, learning of the match so far and dissuading their concerns about his injury. But judging by the look on Iwaizumi's face, he didn't believe him and Misaki was then sure that Oikawa would be getting hit by a ball when they were all on their way home.

      Oikawa turned to look at Karasuno, meeting Kageyama's eyes with his usual annoying smile. "Hey, long time no see, Tobio-chan. You've grown. Are you still the King?"

      Kageyama's face hardened and he turned away, looking at his teammates. 

      "Go and warm up." Coach Irihita instructed. Looking at Misaki, he added, "Misaki, stay with him and make sure he does it properly."

      "Yes, Coach," Misaki nodded.

      She and Oikawa walked side-by-side. As they walked, Oikawa turned slightly, glancing at Kageyama with his scheming smirk.

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