"You would believe a sorceress' lies over your own father? I can only think that Morgause has enchanted you" he calmly walked towards me which only angered me more. "You have hunted her kind like animals, how many hundreds have you condemned to death to ease your guilt? My blood was no doubt boiling now. "Those who practice magic will stop and nothing to destroy us! I have only done what is necessary to protect this kingdom."

"You speak of honour and nobility your nothing but a hypocrite and a liar!" I shouted my words like venom. "I am your king and your father, and you will show me some respect!" the man before me was not the one I looked up to as a child as we glared at each other at a standoff position.

Enough was enough, I walked up to him still overwhelmed by my anger and threw my gauntlet on the ground in front of him. "Have you lost your mind?" he lent back with a shimmer in his eyes of disbelief. "pick it up." I said plainly. "Arthur, I implore you to think about what your doing." But I didn't care. "pick it up."

"I will not fight you". But like is said before I didn't care, instead I unsheathed my sword. "if you choose not to defend yourself, I will strike you down where you stand." I was now a foot away from him looking him in the eyes. "You are my son, you will not strike an unarmed man". He held so much belief in me, yet he himself chose to sacrifice my own mother who was unknowing and unable to decide herself. She was unarmed. But he still struck her down. "I no longer think of myself as your son."

"Then strike me down". Very well. I glared at the man before me for a few more seconds before forcefully swinging my sword towards his middle but was met with steel. I held my sword firmly where it had met with his as he backed away a few steps. "I don't want to fight you." I twirled the sword with my wrist as a response taking a step closer as he retreated with one.

Side, shoulder, legs neck... I swung my sword violently at him not having the deepest care of what the circumstances may be. His voice shook as he spoke. "Arthur... please..." but we continued and for a moment he nearly had me as his sword was a mere few inches from my neck but I jumped back crouching slightly with my sword back up. We didn't strike for a while instead we just watched... waited for the other to make the first move. But then again side, side, legs, shoulder, neck over and over and over again I struck with anger and hatred finally disarming his sword hearing it crash on the floor as I pushed it away from him.

I pushed him to his throne holding my sword to his chest watching his eyes widen with fear and his arms raised above his head in surrender. "Arthur! Don't! I know you don't want to do this!" the chamber doors opened and in ran Merlin. "My mother is dead because of him!" I shouted back.

"Killing your father won't bring her back, you've lost one parent do you really want to lose another?" My hand began to shake as I started to process what he was saying. "He's right Arthur" my fathers voice just made me angrier, but Merlin butted in once again. "Arthur please... put the sword down." I shook my head. 

"You heard what my mother said, after everything he has done do you believe he deserves to live? He executes those who use magic and yet he has used it himself! You have caused so much suffering and pain, I will put an end to that!" As I was about to carry out my words Merlin spoke up one last time. "Morgause is lying she's an enchantress, she tricked you. That was not your mother you saw that was an illusion. Everything your mother said to you... those were Morgause' words"

"You don't know that!" breathing in heavily. "This was her plan all along, to turn you against your father! And if you kill him the kingdom will be destroyed, this is what she wants!" that part did make the slightest of sense, and I began to lower my sword. "Listen to him, he's speaking the truth." My father spoke up causing me to put my guard up once again with my sword in its original place.

"Swear to me, it isn't true you are not responsible for my mother's death! Give me your word!" his eyes were full of sorrow as he looked to me. "I swear on my life I loved your mother. There isn't a day that passes that I don't wish she was still alive. I wouldn't have done anything to hurt her..." His voice shook as he attempted to refrain from spilling any tears.

My hand began to shake as I lowered my sword and dropped to my knee beside him. My fathers arm clutched my shoulder leaning down to me. "You mean more to me than anything". A tear escaped my eye as I apologised to him. "You are not to blame".

I do not know how long I was there crouched down crying for but when I looked up my father embraced me once again before looking towards the council doors and my eyes joined his on the princess like figure. She was teary eyed as she watched us. Upon our gazes meeting hers she curtsied and walked in the direction of her chambers. My father was clearly confused as his eyebrows furrowed and he began to follow her, but I pulled his arm back. "I'll go". He nodded before moving to the side.

My chain mail chimed as I dashed through the halls after her, and I reached her room quickly knocking on the door. She hummed in response and as I opened the door, I saw her sitting at her dressing table staring at an open drawer. She did not look up, but she knew it to be me. "I thought answers would give me consolation but... how I was wrong." I walked towards her and kneeled glancing in the drawer as I did.

There was a dusty piece of paper folded up neatly as I reached to grab it, she took my hand in hers preventing me. "It's better to let me just start from the beginning". I nodded and listened. Fair enough I had heard part of this before as I rudely eavesdropped but then she passed me the paper. "This is the infamous prophecy... my curse". A tear escaped her ocean blue eyes and my thumb reached up to wipe it away softly.

"It doesn't matter, I promise, and I give you my word that I will protect you and find a way to break this". She did not reply instead we just enveloped one another in an embrace. "I promise." And I kissed her forehead sealing my vow to her. 

BBC Merlin Fanfic Book 2 - Fearless (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now