Aryaman - Come you lazy people move your butts fast...

I rolled my eyes at Rico who is already sitting at back in the Jeep and then in no time bhai and Navi too joined him...

Manik - You waiting for some invitation Mrs. Malhotra...

I smiled sheepishly and after hugging Mom one more time, I too came and set inside wishing her goodbye, we finally hit the road...


"What was that? " I looked at Bhai sternly, he gave a questioning look, "What was what? " I glare more strongly this time, "What happened between you and Manyu outside, what was it?" He sighed and said it was nothing...

Nandini - Seriously, if you wanted to drive with us, you could have just come and sit, what was all that conversation about...

Cabir - He is your brother Nandini, he wanted to spend time with you, so I thought of giving some, what's so bad about it?

Nandini - But you are also my brother and you wanted to come with me, so you should have that's it..

Cabir - He is your real brother and I am not...

What the hell he is just saying, I was hurt.. I never thought this, what if he is not a brother by blood but he is more to me.. I moved forward and didn't speak a word, I saw a guilty expression on his face.. I felt Manik's hand crawled up to reach mine and he intertwined our fingers...

Manik - Hey Man, you are not hurting my wife when I am right here, I will knock your teeth down...

I felt a kiss on back of my head and then he murmured a sorry, I turned around and he indeed looked guilty...

Cabir - I didn't mean it like that..

Navya - Don't worry Nandu he is just jealous of Abhi, now he is back your brother is just scared that you won't love him like before...

Cabir - Shut up Navya....

I looked at him and he smiled sheepishly... what seriously now is that what he thinks...

Nandini - Nobody can take your place in my life no one, we are not siblings by blood but we are by heart and nobody can change this, not even Manyu..

He grinned widely and pecked my forehead murmuring I love you and I said it back...

Nandini - Well you can be jealous of Manyu but for some another reason...

I smirked evilly and Cabir bhai looked confused, Manik too raised his brows asking what?

Nandini - So, here your lovely girlfriend once had a huge crush on him...

I smiled showing all my 32 teeth on display and Manik chuckled... Navya's mouth opened and she looked in horror while Bhai glared at her...

Navya - Liar, such a liar she is. I am telling you Cabir, don't believe her she is just lying..

Aryaman - Absolutely not and I can assure you that Cabir, that Nandini is telling the truth...

Me and Rico did a high five and Navya just got red with embarrassment...

Manik - if Mukti got to know this she is a dead meat...

And all laugh at Navya's expense while she made a bad face.. I saw Abhi's car came side by side as ours ,the complete road was deserted so there was not much of a problem... Mukti and Aliya came out through their windows and Me and Navya too got up enjoying the wind.. when I looked at Cabir Bhai tuning the guitar...

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