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Welp here we are.

(You probably won't even read this shit but yeah)

Honestly, I wasn't planning on ending this book anytime soon. I had a lot more plans on this but then I suddenly had the urge to end it. Whoops.

I don't even know what that ending was, it was straight out of my stupid ass. Lol sorry.

I admit, I'm not the proudest of my work and I greatly think I have a lot to improve on. This book just proved to myself that there is a lot more I need to learn. And reading other amazing books made me so inspired yet insecure at the same time. (Dumb I know) But you guys being by my side washed most of those insecurities away. I'm freaking soft.

Your critiques and suggestions will be highly appreciated, but please don't hurt my poor feelings. T. T

I still wanna write a lot and hopefully let you see the improvement on my future books. Ehem- Follow me. Ehem.

But seriously though, I wanna prove to you guys that this is not my limit and I can do so much better.

Thank you all so so so much for the love and support you give me and my work. This means a lot to me.

I freaking love you hoes from the bottom of my purple heart <3

Thank you for reading til the end!


[Edit Aug 6, 2020]

If you liked this book and wanna read more of this, check out my profile! :D

Wrong Number is the first book of the texts series, so I will continue doing my best in improving my books until the end.

The second book is up entitled, Admire You and it is a Park Jimin FanFiction.

-Wherein, somehow you got your crush's phone number and started texting him.

I would really appreciate it if you go check it out!!

Love you hoes <3

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