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You: hey daddyy

Daddy: hey

You: wanna play a game?

Daddy: why so sudden

Daddy: and random..

You: im bored

You: and i cant sleep

Daddy: okay fine

Daddy: what game?

You: wait

You: im not bothering you am i?

Daddy: what makes you say that?

You: well its late

Daddy: not at all

Daddy: im a night person

You: reallyyy?

You: so am iii

Daddy: so whats the game

You: just the classic fast talk

You: i wanna get to know you more :3

Daddy: okay you start then

You: sweet or bitter?

Daddy: sweet

Daddy: lights on or off?

You: ohh i see where youre going

You: off

You: younger or older?

Daddy: wdym

You: i meant to date

You: you like older or younger than you?

Daddy: how old are you?

You: why?

You: you wanna date me? ¬o¬

You: im 22

Daddy: i would prefer older girls

You: oh

You: you looked like we were about the same age

Daddy: i didnt say it was you

You: so youre 22?

Daddy: idk

You: WUT

You: how can one not know their own age??

Daddy: it was a joke

You: oh

You: so how old are you?

Daddy: i wont tell you

Daddy: whos turn is it?

You: i will find out myself then

You: lets continue next time

You: goodnight

Daddy: okay..

Daddy: Good night

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