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After a relaxing shower, you finally laid on top of the thin cheap mattress that is your bed. Your thoughts flooded with Jeon fucking Jungkook. You hate yourself, you really do. And you also blame Jungkook for being so sweet and just.. perfect.

He's perfect.

If it weren't for the pretending scheme, you might be dating him, kissing him, even fucking him right now. Unfortunately, it happened, this was reality and there was no turning back time.

Speaking of time, you glance at the numbers displayed on your phone; 9:34pm

Huffing out a soft sigh, you stared at the illuminating screen. You definitely weren't waiting for something, or someone, no you're not. Definitely not, absolutely—


The familiar sound echoed into your dimly-lit bedroom. Your finger tapping on the notification that appeared as fast as lightning, definitely not waiting for anything at all.


Jerkface: Just got home

Jerkface: Goodnight soo ah

You suddenly don't know what to reply, eyes fixed on the small black letters. But you badly wanted to talk to him, so you quickly think of a topic.

You: wait

You: so were not gonna talk about your cheesy lines earlier?

Jerkface: uhh

Jerkface: i was hoping you wouldn't mention that haha

You: sorry

Jerkface: what for?

You: just everything

Jerkface: nono dont be

Jerkface: i should be the one apologizing, not you

Jerkface: lets talk about it tmr ok?

Jerkface: for now you should rest

Jerkface: it must have been a tiring day for you

You: thank you jungkook <3

You: for everything as well

Jerkface: anything for you princess

Jerkface: goodnight

You: goodnight

Jerkface went offline

You went offline

You didn't know how much that small pixelated heart affected the grinning boy. It was the small things in life.

Small things.

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