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I'm too lazy to revise this chapter :P

You couldn't sleep a blink, staring at the ceiling with a gentle smile playing on your lips.

Talking about Jungkook's 'mistake' would be a great first step into forgiving him. You wanted to know his side of the story badly, he must have a good reason for doing something so.. deceptive, right? Everything does.

But the more you think about his kind and sweet gestures, his meaningful words and genuine smiles, the more you want to forgive him. It was as if, the hateful things was slowly being covered by piles and piles of good things. Like stinky trash being covered in mountains of sweet candy.. okay, maybe not the best metaphor but the point is;

You want to forget the past and forgive him.

Shaking your deep thoughts out of your head, you tossed and turned on your narrow bed, trying to find the seemingly nonexistent comfortable position.

Just close your eyes and hope for the best.

Morning comes rolling along your sleepless self, you weren't even feeling unwell in the slightest despite having just a few hours of rest. You did your usual routine, wore casual clothes and went down to grab a brunch at the convenience store.

As you pick a lunch pack on the shelves, your work schedule crosses your mind. You had a small job to do after lunch then that's about it. Your thoughts were interrupted by the familiar sound of your phone chiming, you payed before sitting yourself on a stool facing the full glass window.


Jerkface: hey

Jerkface: wanna have lunch with me?

Jerkface: we can talk about the 'incident' after

You: oh no i cant

You: i have work

You: plus im eating lunch rn

You: how about 4pm?

Jerkface: Well lunch is the only free time I have

Jerkface: I cancelled everything yesterday and now they are haunting my ass

Jerkface: i dont know when ill finish

Jerkface: ugh this is stressing me out

You: No worries

You: we can talk tmr

You: just rest after ok?

Jerkface: no ill find a way

You: no jungkook

You: you need to rest

Jerkface: fine

Jerkface: ttyl then

You: yeah bye

You let out a deep sigh, finishing up your lunch with unsettled thoughts and furrowed brows. You went back into your homely abode and grabbed your needed equipments before walking to the usual bus stop. Work is work, you really can't do anything about it other than— well, work.

The day passed by in a blur, all you remember is taking a few photos of high school students for their musical posters or something like that. It was one of the small jobs you've handled, nothing much but enough for you.

You got home around four o'clock, and the exhaustion from not having enough sleep finally hits you. Taking off your white shoes, you arranged your things before flopping down on the bed.

Having the nap of life, until it was interrupted by the ringing of your phone. You groan in annoyance as your hand sloppily reached out for the loud device. Before you could even answer, it stopped, displaying the time instead;


Under it was informing you the 14 missed calls from the caller, jerkface.

Only then did your slow-running brain registered the situation, making your eyes widen. You immediately sat up, quickly scanning the messages that he sent.


Jerkface: hey

Jerkface: just finished work

Jerkface: we can still meet


Jerkface: did something come up?

Jerkface: I thought you were done by 4?


Jerkface: why arent you replying

You have (2) missed calls from Jerkface


You have (2) missed calls from Jerkface


Jerkface: hey

Jerkface: im outside

Jerkface: whats your room number?

You have (4) missed calls from Jerkface


You have (6) missed calls from Jerkface


Jerkface is calling...

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