"Anyway, what did he said to you? Was he mad? Does he even know about the pregnancy?"

"He knows, he said Jennie told them this morning and um he said he wants me to be there for the baby."

"Did he threaten you or something?"

"Nope." Lisa shook her head. "He just... he just said that the baby should have both parents there and he gave me the address of the hospital where they having Jennie's check-up."

Rosé places her hand on Lisa's and turned her whole body to have a good look at her. "Are you going?"

"Dunno. I'm working that day."

"When is it?"

"This Saturday morning."

"I know you said you want nothing with them, but think about it, baby. What would Aunt Chitthip say about this?"

"She would've fucking kicked my ass." Lisa chuckled remembering her mother. "She would've fucking kicked my ass" She repeated again, whispering to herself.

"I can take your shift that day if you wanna go." Rosé offered gently.

"I... Can I have these next few days to think about it?" She asked Rosé, scratching her cheek.

"Of course, you can baby, how about now we go to sleep?" Lisa nodded. "I'll see you in the morning."

"See ya tomorrow." After both of them took their respective showers, they went to sleep. Lisa of course, thinking about what Ji-yong had said.

Saturday came quicker than Lisa would've liked to, at 5 in the morning her alarm went off but she stayed there; lying in bed, still thinking. The appointment wasn't due until 10 that morning but she needed to be at the restaurant at 7.

When the clock in her cell phone said it was already 5:30 in the morning, she stood up and went to take a shower. She heard Rosé moving around the apartment, most probably cooking some breakfast for them.

When she got out of the shower, Rosé was already waiting for her with some plates set on the little coffee table they had in front of their couch. She asked her to give her a few minutes while she put her clothes on and after walking out of her room. She took a seat next to her cousin.

Rosé was a bit— a lot —disappointed when she heard Lisa's bedroom door, she thought that her cousin had got her shit together and decided to go to the hospital with Jennie but that door sound buried deep down the hopes she had.

She decided not to press Lisa about it knowing she'll only get her mad and instead she got up to make some breakfast.

They ate in silence, Rosé waiting for Lisa to ask her to get ready to cover her shift and Lisa waiting for Rosé to scold her for going to work instead of going to the hospital. They both finished and no one had said anything.

Lisa went to brush her teeth and when she returned to the living room. She grabbed her wallet and the keys, just saying goodbye to Rosé and that she'll see her in the night.

Lisa wanted to go to the hospital, be there for her kid and for Jennie too but she was scared, she didn't know how to do anything baby related; she didn't even know how to cook for herself. Besides she didn't have the education to get a better job and she knew that now she needed to earn more money to offer something for them or at least for the baby even though Ji-yong told her she didn't have to do that.



"Hey" Jisoo breathed when she saw Rosé opening her apartment door. "You look...gorgeous."

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