Moving In

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3 days later 

I stood up and looked outside to see Joseph cutting the grass

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I stood up and looked outside to see Joseph cutting the grass. He looked up and smiled before he got a phone call. I smiled and looked around our new home and I started painting the inside how I wanted it. Our place had 5 rooms and 4 and a half bathrooms. I loved that it was huge but not so flashy. I heard Joseph walk in and I walked to the steps to see him coming up. " everything alright?" I asked. "You seem very bothered.." I added as he came up to kiss me. "I am okay darling" He said smiling and walking to our almost bedroom. "Okay... oh no baby, something is bothering you, please tell me" I begged. He turned and looked at me and reached for my hands. "Miranda is stating that she is pregnant by me" he said squeezing my hand. I looked at him with confusion. "did.. did you cheat?" I asked looking up. "No.. NO... I haven't had sexual contact with her since you and I have become so serious." He said looking down at me. "But when we weren't serious, were you still sleeping with her?" I asked looking up at him. I felt myself getting really hot. I almost wanted to throw up. "Yes..." he said exhaling very hard. I softly pulled my hands away and walked to the window. "Why?" I asked. He didn't say anything so I turned around and asked again. "why?" I asked. He looked down at me and then out the window. "Brooke...I was in love with her" he said "so that is something you tell your finance as you are moving in your new home???" I yelled. I grabbed my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I felt overwhlemed with sickness and threw everything I had for breakfast right in the toilet. Joseph came running in and came to my side. He pulled my hair out of my face and rubbed my back. "Baby.." he said helping me up. "I am fine" I said rinsing my mouth and pushing past him. He sighed and follwed me. "We can work through this"  he said "I am supposed to be your wife, your only woman that you should be focused on and now we have a child on the way that isn't mine, did I mention that part? The baby isn't mine!" He walked up to me and grabbed my face. "Maybe we should just take a few steps back" he said. I pushed his hands away from my face and looked at him. "what? like a break?" I asked. I stared at him and he at me. "we don't have to call it that love, we need space right now" he said breathing out. "This is cause you want to weigh your options again?" I asked. He just stared at me. "Look me in my face right now! Tell me you love me more than you love that bitch" I said. He couldn't. I laughed and grabbed my purse and a bookbag. "Where are you going?" He asked chasing after me. "getting space" I said looking at him. I hopped in my Jeep and sped off. I went to a hotel pretty close by and I didn't let him know where I was. Since I am using my own card he won't be able to track anything. 

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