Walking In ...

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1 week later

"Oh dang it, I forgot my phone in the class." I said tapping my friends back before I turned to head back up to the class. The walk would take a while so I just looked at all the students enjoying college life as I made my way back. I got to the class and realized it was shut, which never happens. I knocked and no one said anything so I assumed it was no one there. I walked in and started walking to my desk but I heard faint moans. I turned to see Joseph and a tall, beautiful woman having sex. I stood silently, frozen in shock. He grasped her thigh and pulled her hair back as he focused on his main goal. She moaned so loud that he had to tell her to shut up. It was almost like she wanted to be heard. She opened her eyes and saw me. I inhaled and looked down. I heard the noises stop so I quickly grabbed my phone and tried to leave before Joseph could see me.  "Simone.." I heard his voice call out after me. "I.. I just wanted to grab my phone I have to go.." I said quickly before opening the door and basically running out of there. 

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. The day I had, I need a nap, but I need to cook. I stood up and looked at the clock to notice it was getting late so I needed to get started. I walked in to my kitchen only to hear my doorbell ring. "Who is it?" I yelled running down the steps. I opened the door to see Joseph. "UH..I..." I said nervously. I couldn't help but imagine his hands and his expressions while he had sex with that girl this morning. I have not been touched like that, ever. "We need to talk" he said walking in. "Sir, I did not invite you in" I said. "I invited myself in" he said looking down at me. I gulped and shut the door behind him. " wha.." was all I could get out before he spoke. " You keep looking at me like that" he said. "Like what" I asked confused. I knew exactly what he meant but maybe if I act dumb he won't notice. "Listen, I know you saw everything" he said looking at me. "Its okay I  barely noticed" I said biting my lip and looking down. He grabbed my face and lifted it to look at him. "I know you saw, and I know your opinion about me is different now, I understand, but you should have knocked" he said staring at me. " I did! You were busy so you could not hear me!" I said with an attitude. I felt his energy switch and I looked at him. He tilted his head and walked up to me. His hands on the wall behind me. " I suggest you calm down when speaking to me, babygirl" I inhaled and bit my lip. He backed away and looked at my lips then my eyes. "You are a very strong minded woman, I respect you. So I ask you respect me" he said. "I won't tell anyone Prof-" " Joseph..." He said looking down at me. " I won't tell anyone, Joseph." I said looking down. The scent of his cologne wrapped around my nose and made me feel a wave of intense emotions I should not feel for a man I just met. He knew because he smirked. "Are you alright?" he asked. "yes..." I spoke quickly. "You look at me differently.." he said. "I am sorry I don't mean to.." I said looking up. " Do not apologize, I don't mind." he said smiling and walking out the door. 

I locked the door and felt my insides get hot. "Ima just go take a cold shower, a very cold shower" I said to myself giggling.

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