Chapter 1 Goodbye

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  • Dedicated to Dreams

"It's over, Kelsey."

I froze turning to Jared.

"What did I do?"

He turned and walked away, my eyes following to where he wrapped his arm around Kayla.

I stomped over to them, getting more stares and snickers. I wasn't well liked.

"Ah Kelsey lovely to see you." Kayla said while flipping her hair as her friends tried, not very well, to muffle their laughs.

"Wish I could say the same, you really need new jokes." I retorted.

She took a step back, Jared was looking between us ready to laugh, "At least my jokes aren't as old as the last guy you dated." Kayla spit back. "Look Kelsey, all the guys want you, they just don't need you for long."

I looked at Jared, through the tears ready to fall, he still didn't say anything.

"Then they can keep waiting."I said as walked away proud that I decided I was going to stop looking for the assholes that broke me down more. I wanted to try harder to be a better person. That means no more guys.
My dad left me.
No one wants me.
My friends sure do.
My mom is forced to love me. I let the pain engulf me, as I added another scar to my bitter past.

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