Chapter 30: Short Cuts

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"This is it," Nathan said as he stopped the truck, "This is as far as we can drive, the road is blocked. We will have to travel the rest by foot."

"How much farther until we get there?" Melissa asked as she looked towards the road.

"Well considering that we are just on the outskirts of Toronto, and the quarantine zone is in the centre of the city, we probably have about few more hours of walking," Nathan answered as he got out of the truck, he walked over to Jessica, Ray, Randi and Pablo, "Okay! Rest of the trip will be on foot, it's time to get out."

"Damn," Randi complained as she got out, "I hate walking."

"Well unless you wanted to stay behind while the rest of us travel to the quarantine zone in Toronto," Nathan started as he grabbed some bags out of the back of the truck, "You should probably get out and start walking with us."

He handed over a bag to Randi and he started walking. Melissa grabbed a few bags and ran up to him to catch up, while Jessica, Randi, Ray and Pablo grabbed the remaining bags. They started walking down towards a concrete dividers and climbed over them.

"So what's the plan now?" Pablo asked as they walked through the barren city.

"We just keep walking through the city," Nathan answered, "Just keep watch of the signs, they should tell us how to get to Toronto."

"Let's just hope that we don't get stopped by any walkers," Jessica stated as she looked around at the plant life on the buildings.

"I wouldn't expect any walkers to be here," Nathan started, "The army would've killed off any walker in the area, they wouldn't want any walkers anywhere near the quarantine zone."

"Yeah, but it wouldn't hurt to be careful though," Ray said, "Last thing we want is to have our guards down, then get attacked by a swarm of walkers."

"That is true," Nathan agreed, "Cause as far as we know, the army could've just left the quarantine zone to the walkers, and moved away. We might just be walking straight into a trap."

"It's a risk, trying to find something that you aren't even sure is even there," Jessica started, "But it's a risk we need to take if we want a chance at survival."

"Everyday is a chance," Ray said as he climbed over another concrete divider, "Every time we go to sleep we are risking not waking up again. Every time we venture out for supplies, we are risking not coming back home. Even when we eat food, we are taking a risk that the food might be unedible. Everything is a risk these days, no point worrying about those small little things, better to just not worry."

"But you can't just refuse to worry, the moment you feel safe is when everything gets fucked up, and you are put into very complicated situations," Jessica rebutted.

"And that is why we stay as a group, so we can fight through our problems together," Randi added.

"As long as we have somebody beside us, everything should work out," Pablo stated.

"No truer words have been said," Nathan agreed, "We have made it this far as a group, so I'm not prepared to lose anybody else."

"I think we can all agree on that," Melissa stated, "We will make it to the quarantine zone together!"

"Let's hope so, we are so close, it would be a shame if we lost somebody right at the end of all of this," Jessica stated.

"It would be quite unfortunate," Nathan agreed, "Let's just try to keep a positive out look on all of this."

"Fine with me!" Randi agreed as they continued down the road. They walked for a while, but were forced to stop by a concrete wall.

"Is this the quarantine zone?" Pablo asked as he walked towards the wall.

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