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I jumped out of the beat-up jeep, my feet landing on the cracked asphalt of the IHOP parking lot. I rounded the car, watching as Xander's shoulders squared themselves. Melanie also jumped out, slamming the door behind her.

I searched the edge of the woods, my senses going into hyper-sensitive mode. I was able to see the pollen which floated around. I heard the scuttling of squirrels up trees and the cracking of pinecones as they fell from the high trees. 

There was a glint in the distance, and I focused in on it. It was silver armor. It was mother.

She stood like a Queen, her hair up in her warrior braids. She looked poised, cool, and ready.

I walked closer, my feet moving faster. I smelled my mom's scent of roses and honey, it wafted through the air. I could tell Xander recognized it too, because he leaned forward- a predator.

I sent a low growl to him, feeling defensive of my mother. His ear flinched, as if he heard me, but he prowled on.

Anger was building up inside of me, continuing off of our conversation in the jeep. I sped up to him, catching him by the arm.

He stopped immediately, spinning to face me. I ignored the tingling sensation that brought pleasure flooding into my body through our contact. I felt his lustful emotions course through my brain, and I caught the glint of gold which flickered in his eyes.

I ignored the fact that our mark without mating had created even more tension between us.

Was that why he was so tense? Was that why he was being overly Alpha with me?

Didn't matter, we were not facing my mom like this. She would be on the defense immediately.

"You are not approaching my mom like that," I sneered, gritting through my teeth. "Lower your hackles."

"I'm not a little boy," He snapped back. "I've done plenty of negotiations, I know what I'm doing."

I could feel my jaw loosen in shock as his words registered.

Excuse me? My wolf growled

"So what does that make me?" I could feel my grip closing down on his arm. He didn't even wince.

He exhaled forcefully, his eyes flickering in the direction of my mother. He was pissed.

But I didn't care.

"Why are you acting like this? Is it because of last night?" I demanded, staring him down. His face grimaced, and the fire inside of me simmered down.

"Tell me," I said, softer this time. I loosened my grip on him, but still held him so he couldn't walk away.

"I just," He started, his voice lower, almost a whisper. "I can't lose you."

His words came out with strain. His face fell completely. His Alpha mode was erased, and I felt the hopelessness he felt. I let go of his arm and watched as his chest rose and fell quickly.

"I want to handle this because I'm scared as hell... I need to be in control. I-I'm terrified that she'll take you, and I'll never see you again. I can't-"

I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him towards me. I hugged him, fiercely. I felt his pain, his fear, his worry. It grabbed my heart and twisted it, and I became just as scared.

I felt his strong arms wrap around me, and he buried his nose into my neck. He inhaled deeply, trying to calm himself down. I could feel my feet leaving the ground.

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