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It was a long day with Roman, and on multiple occasions did I have to pull away from him. It seemed like he just made it worse.

The burning sensations had intensified. When I would feel a warmness on my skin before, now was a simmering pain.

The constant fear and feeling of burning wore me out, and I soon found myself jerking away from whoever was triggering it. It was odd, but mostly it seemed to be from Roman. I asked him to leave, to be at least ten steps from me.

Roman complained about leaving my side, but when I told him his closeness caused me pain, he seemed to understand and settled for sitting outside my door.

I had thought my body was too exhausted to keep awake, so I had laid on my bed and tried to relax.

But I couldn't.

Even thought Roman bugged me all day, he did prove to be a good distraction for my deep thoughts. And now I was left to myself.

And everything inside of me cooled at the thought of Xander.

I was terrified that he would return, and Roman would be here to take him away. Worried that he wouldn't come, and therefore given up on me because of our difficult position.

But I needed him to come back, to resolve the itching question inside. I had to ask him if the history books are true, and if so, what our next move was.

Xander didn't seem like a sadistic, crazed, or feral wolf. I mean, sure we had only seen each other twice, but my wolf liked him, and she was pushing me to try.

And I was willing. Even though all my studies growing up taught me to kill or report rogues.

I sighed out loud, looking up at blank space. What was I becoming? I was unsure and questioning my decision, while at the same time putting my pack in danger with every move I made towards my mate. Was I really qualified to lead?

We can't rule without our mate. My wolf said solemnly to me.

If it comes down to it, I can lead on my own. I don't need a mate to protect my pack. I responded gruffly, feeling bothered that she was including herself in my personal thinking.

You don't understand. I CAN'T rule without our mate. Have you forgotten about the burning? I would slowly be dying inside of you without him. My wolf insisted darkly, standing her ground against me.

But I couldn't ignore her logic. It was in Xander and I'd best interest to work this out. One of us would have to leave our very strict lives, or we would be mate-less, slowly dying, and left to burn alive.

The very idea of it had the power to make me shiver and give me a head ache. I felt myself getting immensely warm, and thought Roman was attempting to open the door.

I scowled and sat up in my kind sized bed. I felt my hair zoom up and fly past me, sticking to my sweaty neck once my movement stopped.

No, he wasn't. My body was just freaking out on its own accord.

I could feel myself becoming a worried mess, but I wasn't going to wallow here and feel sorry for myself and my position.

Royally RogueDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora