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I dialed the number to my mothers portable cell and waited anxiously as the phone rung.

The phone cut, and I pulled back to see if it had failed. It didn't say that the call ended, instead, the numbers began counting from zero upward.

Mom was on the line.

I hesitantly brought the phone back to my ear. "H-hello?"

"Where." Her strong, commanding voice ripped through the phone line.

I gulped down a whimper and looked at Xander. His thick eyebrows were furrowed, listening in on the conversation.

"Mother," I started shakily. When she didn't respond, I continued, unsure of what to say. "Mother-"

I stood, feeling anxiety pull at my heart. My wolf had no idea what to do either, silence was in my mind.

I felt my heart slowly travel up my throat, my voice caught.

I felt like sobbing.

What the hell was I thinking?

Oh, that's right, I wasn't. My bond took over everything and I rushed to be with my mate. I thought I was being smart but in reality, I ruined everything.

Roman in prison, my mother missing, my father going insane, and my brother stuck to hold it all together. What am I supoosed to say to my own mother, who raised me to be smart and strong.

Im weak and ashamed....I ruined everything and everyones chances.

I did this.

I did this.

A sense of calm washed over me as a warm hand presses down on my lower back. It snaps me out of my thoughts

"Say something, honey." He says lowly, encouraging me with those caramel colored eyes.

"Who is he." Mom interjects, her hearing impeccable.


"Who." She demands quietly.

"M-my mate..."I answer, sucking in my breath to control my panick.

"No," She says. "Who."


"Xander Romanov."

The other end of the phone is quiet, deadly silent.

After a few painstaking moments, I heard my mothers sigh.

"So, how are you going to handle this?" 

My mouth felt dry. 

I thought she would be screaming, waging war, begging me to lift our bond.

I had underestimated her.

My mother was strong, composed, and good-willed. 

But would she help me?

"I'm with him now, in his territory. I need to go through the initiation ceremony so that his pack doesn't target me- but Aaron-" I take a breath, feeling the nerves all over my body. Closing my eyes, I gather the courage to continue. "Aaron called. Father is... unstable. Roman--"

"Arabella," My mom interjected. "I left a letter for the beta to postpone his interrogation until I get back. Your father knows my signature and would not overstep my rule. I don't plan on being away for long, so I need you to listen closely. Are you listening?"

My eyes were wide with shock. "W-what do you mean until you get back?"

"Are you listening, Arabella." My mother's voice came through stronger, more demanding. I automatically closed my mouth. "Come to the borderline. I know you have Melanie. Bring her and Romanov."

"Mother," I chocked. "This is dangerous-"

"The minute you decided to not trust your own parents to protect you, it became dangerous. The moment you crossed the boarders, it became dangerous. The second you chose your mate over logic-" Her voice became louder and louder with every sentence, a growl mixed with her voice. I winced, knowing she was right.

"I'm sorry mom, I-" I whispered lowly.

"Come to the border, by the IHop. Now, Arabella." She said, softer this time. "It's time you trusted your family."

The phone line cut. 

I held the phone to my ear for what seemed like forever, feeling shocked by our conversation. 

She had told me to go to the border, in her motherly voice. The strong one, the one where you know you should do what she says or else.

But she did not command me as my Luna. She did not force my hand.

"Love," Xander's voice sliced through the silent atmosphere like a hot knife through butter. "What do you want to do?"

I turned, looking up at his caramel eyes. Those same caramel eyes which pulled me to make dumb decisions. 

His eyes held warmth in them, support. I searched them, looking for the answer as to what I should do. 

Who was I kidding? I already knew what I should be doing. I was stupid not to see what my mother was doing for me. She was going against my father, risking herself to save me in my troubles. We had to go, and we had to go now. Before any of the border control found her.

"Let's go." 


Hey all! Sorry this update is so short!

My life has been utter chaos, and I've been off the grid for a while.

For those reading, I will try to update regularly. Possibly once a week.

Thanks everyone!

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