
360 17 13

(A/n: Spicy chapter ahead)


"Well, I think I'm about done here." Claudius chuckled, taking the napkin out of his collar and tossing it onto the table.

We sat in a large dining room that was fancier than any other room I had seen in the luxurious cabin. The table in which Melanie, Claudius, Xander, and I were eating at was wide and long. I could only assume this was where several important pack meetings took place and that Xander didn't eat here on a normal basis. He was sitting at the end of the table as if that was the only place he knew. The rest of us were forced to awkwardly place ourselves. Claudius sat in front of me, on Xander's left. Melanie sat on my right, wanting to sit the farthest from my mate, while I sat on his right.

The chef had prepared a five-course meal, in which every dish was large in size. I was used to small dishes, spread farther apart in time where family meals could last two hours. The clock on the wall told me we had surged through this overload of food in only one hour. Either Xander always ate huge quantities in a short amount of time or this chef rarely cooked five-course meals.

"Would you like me to walk you out?" I heard myself say, beginning to stand. Although this steak was delicious, and honestly served pretty late as we had already gone through everything but dessert, I did owe Claudius a lot for the huge help he was earlier.

"Oh, no!" The old man hummed, holding his hand up to stop me and pushing out the chair. "You are my Luna, you shouldn't stand for a common man like me."

"No, that's not at all-" I stuttered, blushing and feeling awkward. But before I could finish my sentence, Claudius spoke once more.

"Thank you for this meal, Alpha." Claudius said graciously, bowing to the end of the table where Xander sat. I shouldn't have followed the motion, as my breath hitched in my throat and I instinctively grabbed my fork to bring me back to reality as my eyes laid eyes on him.

My mate was a picture of beauty.

He had cut a decent sized piece of meat and stabbed it onto his fork. My heart fluttered as he nodded towards the librarian, sliding the steak into his mouth and pressing his beautiful pink lips onto the metal.

I involuntarily stared as he slowly bit down on the piece in his mouth, his jawline flexing with every chew. The lighting in the dining room was dim but lit enough to where I saw a blond shine off the curls of his dark brown hair.

And then we locked eyes. His grew intense, as he stared deep into me. Then, as if he knew he had me with just one look, his eyes roamed my body.

A dark, warm feeling dropped from my throat to my chest, exploding and sending tingles through my arms, stomach, and legs.

A tickle feeling was beginning to form in my most sensitive part. The cold metal in my hand wasn't doing much to bring me back down from this pleasure high.

I internally cursed.

If I could just focus on the fork, maybe I could pull through this intense need I was feeling.

He grunted, never breaking contact with me as his lip came out to lick his top lip. "I'll see you tomorrow, Claudius."

I could feel the fork in my hand bending under the pressure I felt to hold back a sensual sound.

He was staring at me.

As if prying off your clothes with his eyes. My wolf purred inside of me, jolting in me a feeling of excitement.

I let out a subtle gasp, my legs snapping together as I tried to regain control. I'm sure with how hard Xander was studying me, he could pick up on every detail I was giving off- like my scent.

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