Let's go to Lastation, meeting with Noire

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Everyone present were shocked to heard that the reason why Hansuke and his family were in conflict with them for years was because of the death of their mother.

Cave: oh my god !

5pb.: how did this happen ?

Chika: Hansuke was still a child back then when it happen, so i understand how he feel right now, such a innocent boy like him who witness the mother he loved so much being taking away by the very same person he's been hunting down.

Vert: i understand, they want to put an end to this cycle of conflict and bring peace back to our world.

Chika: that's right, i know he is cute and handsome, but he's still the innocent boy he was from back then, but i know one thing, he can't live a happy and peaceful life, not until this threat is stopped.

Vert: i see what you mean Chika.

Chika: anyway, let's prepare lunch for us and the two lovebirds who will wake up soon.

Vert, Cave & 5pb.: "Lovebirds ?"

At the very same moment, Hansuke and Mina enter both the kitchen and greet us, we then all sit on the chair and begin eating our lunchs, Vert ask Mina and Hansuke what happened last night between them.

Hansuke & Mina: good morning everyone.

Vert, Chika, Cave & 5pb.: good morning.

Vert: so did you both sleep well ?

Hansuke: yes, we got enough rest.

Cave: i see that you and Mina are in good form.

Vert: which made me ask you both, what happened last night between the two of you ?

That question made both of their face turn pure red, which confirm what i saw this morning, both Mina and Hansuke fully naked and holding each other in bed.

Hansuke "blushing": well..... we just...... we just.....

Mina "blushing": we were having a good time.

Vert: good time having sex right.

Hansuke & Mina "blushing": !!!

Chika: my darling Vert, how did you know ?

Vert: well it's obvious from their reactions to my question, knowing that they have a good time together made me happy.

Cave: what a lucky guy to have a good time with the Oracle of Lowee.

5pb.: i can't believed either.

Chika: anyway, let's eat lunch, after that we will prepare everything to go to Lastation.

Hansuke: Lastation, you mean the nation governing by the Goddess Lady Noire ?

Chika: yes, it is also the nation of one of the legendary heros who saved Gamindustri from the threat of ASIC and the Deity of Sin.

Hansuke: i see.

From that point, Hansuke seems more than determined to gather all of his little brother's friends and making a plan that will bring Kazuma and the CPU Candidates back from the Keyblade Graveyard. and i know that after hearing his story he won't stop until the threat of GRIM REAPER and The Reaper is over.

Mina's POV

After finishing eating our lunch we go preparing ourselves to go to Lastation, i went to Kazuma's room and ask him about his life with his family before that terrible event that took his mother away from him at young age.

HyperDimension Neptunia Rebirth 2 X Male Reader: The legends returnजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें